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Patholgy 375

Guest canucksrock

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Guest canucksrock

Hey has anyone taken this course. I found the previous thread but the posts were missing. How interesting is this course, what is the overall difficulty of the course, and what is the grade break down of the course. Like how much are midterms, finals, and assignments worth. Once again thanks for your replies

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Guest leviathan

Hi Canucksrock,


I took it last term, and it was an awesome course. It's taught at UBC hospital by a pathologist named Dr. Nimmo who works out of Coastal Health. He's a great teacher and funny at times with his anecdotes, and brings lots of cool specimens into class from his lab...lots of fresh specimens from cases he was working on at that point in time that coincided with the organ system we were dealing with during that lecture.


The course is very easy. There is one midterm and one final, both multiple choice, and both based on the notes he posts on the UBC pathology website. I believe the class average was 88%. The accompanying textbook goes into a lot more detail than the notes but you will not be examined to that level. However, I found the material to be very interesting so I read the textbook anyhow.

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Guest physiology

Some of the lectures that are given during in this pathology course are identical, if not better than the lectures we get in 1st & 2nd year medicine.



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Guest leviathan

Hmmm, really physiology?


They were VERY basic. I read through the textbook and it goes into a lot more detail than the lectures, and even the textbook was simplified. Remember any examples? That's pretty cool if you are right!


Edit: In retrospect, I remember for instance that a lot of detail was covered into the cardiovascular pathology of atherosclerosis and the fate of a blood clot as well as the consequences of an MI (eg. mural thrombi or ventricular aneurysm).

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Guest physiology



Dr. Mike Nimmo's lecture on upper GI pathology & oral cavity is identical to the one he gave us in class. The one on your website is in fact better because it includes pictures. All we got was a powerpoint presentation. I know because I downloaded and printed the version on the path 375 website and studied from it for the GI block.


Dr. Frohlich's lecture on dyslipidemia also covered a lot of what we needed to know with respect to pathology.


The cancer lectures that were given to us in first year were also very basic and I believe had a lot of overlap from your path 375 course.



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