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Anyone else having problems submitting the application?

Guest Madz25

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Guest Madz25



I've been trying for so long to submit my application. Every time I click on continue I get a messages saying that I havent completed any of the sections! There are checkmarks next to each section and my essay has been received. Also, sometimes it does go through but when I review the information, there is always something missing. Anyone else experiencing these problems?



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Guest DramaticallyCounterintuitive

Yeah, the server is f**ked. My non-academic activities keep randomly appearing and disappearing each time I log in. Sometimes they're all there, sometimes there's none, and sometimes only some of them are there (different ones each time). Half the time I can't even log in, as I get a null pointer exception. I say we get together an angry mob to lynch whoever coded the online application. >:

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Guest Madz25



It finally did submit...i typed in my credit card info...it said that my credit card was approved but gave me no transaction reference #!! and THEN they have some questionnaire to fill out...i filled it out and clicked submit application and it went to the error report! what is going on?!



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Guest Madz25

Now when I log back in it says app free received. What's weird is that I can log back in and it seems like I can change the info?! I dont know...it went all the way through to the "finalize and exit" link...or something along those lines.


Should I receive a confirmation email? Because I haven't yet...



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Guest Madz25

The first time I submitted my credit card info it said your credit card has been approved but gave no transaction reference number. The 2nd time I got a reference number and after that it showed up as being paid. Did you get one?




and now i can't even access the website....

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Guest mluong

I thought that was fishy...but it went all the way through though until the end and said application confirmed. Did you get a confirmation email too?

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I can't get into my application anymore!!! I am freaking out really. the server gives me error message. All I need to do is to do the payment.

anyone else having this problem?


donno what to do :(



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Guest DramaticallyCounterintuitive

The website is completely down. It's not even responding to queries now. The admissions office is going to have a lot of angry people to deal with in the morning. In the meantime, I have no idea what to do. Any suggestions? What time does the admissions office open in the morning?

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I sent an email to the admissions telling them about the problem and also just to have a record of this delima. I guess I will try again later tonight (around 12:00 or so) and again early morning. If it didn't respond, I will have to drive to ubc and be there at 9:00 AM, and of course will misss work for that.


It is so frustrating, though!



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Guest GundamDX

I think you should receive a confirmation email saying they got your applicaiton and they tell you about the new process re: the interviews.


Good luck to anyone who hasn't got his/hers in yet...

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Guest Adversary

I have friends who did this last year. Trust me, it always happen. This is typical of the last-minute rush. To my knowledge, last year they were nice enough to extend it two more days.


So please be nice to those people at the admissions office. They know! No need to bombard them. Remember, it's your choice to submit so close to deadline. However, all isn't lost! Relax and try again tomorrow.


;) good luck to you all. Thank God we have a shorter app to do.

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Guest DramaticallyCounterintuitive

I disagree. If UBC is going to make people use an online application form, it's THEIR responsibility to make sure that the software is functional and reliable, and that their server can handle a reasonable load. It should be no surprise to them that a few hundred people at a time will be accessing the server just before the deadline, and they need to be prepared for that. They know how many people apply each year.


Instead of providing a reliable system, they seem to be covering their asses with the disclaimer that applicants should "submit well before the deadline."


That said, we did make the choice to submit our applications one day before the deadline, but I don't think this is an unreasonable thing to do.

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Guest Adversary

I sympathize with DramaticallyCounterintuitive and all of you. I do agree that server overloads repeated year to year are great indicators to improve it. However, they haven't and every one of you still want to get into med school. Thus, it is unfortunately more your problem than theirs. Perhaps, those of you that forms the 2010 class should bring it up with the admin people.


Just wake up early and try again. But mind you, my friends who submitted late last year also spent all day on the last day trying.

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