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10 year rule!

Guest supa76

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yes, its been that long.


I spoke to UBC, and they said they apply it automatically.. although I've also heard you need to send a letter. has anyone had experience with this?

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You drop ALL courses from 1994-95 and earlier, you can't pick and choose years and/or courses. Any prerequisites included in the year(s) are also excluded...which means you must retake them *UNLESS* you have later courses which can substitute. For ex: if you have a full-year, Bio 101 course dropped, you need a full-year's equivalent of upper year Biology course(s) to substitute....they'll likely choose for instance the equivalents in 200-level Biology (ie, 2nd year Biology) And, at the end of it, after they exclude your year(s), you must have a total of 90 credits (3yrs) undergrad.

It's not perfect, maybe even not ideal, but if it works...


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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


If you wish to have the 10 year rule applied to your file then definitely let UBC know by letter and e-mail. It won't be applied automatically if you have courses which are 10+ years old since, as mentioned above, there are some repercussions re: prerequisite courses.




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HI Guys,


I send UBC med an email regarding this and they said they will add the email to my file. So just email them.


good luck... now only if they can get rid of all the other bad grades in my life.. hehe

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Guest nucleardove

Hi guys,


Last year when I applied, I *didn't* email them to ask them to apply the rule-- however, the "messages" section of my online application was automatically updated, saying "the 10-year rule has been applied to your application".


That said, it can't hurt to email them I guess, but I wouldn't stress too much about it. But definitely look for that message on your application that confirms they've applied the rule. (I think the message showed up on my account in November-ish)


Good luck, all!



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Guest benjibert

hey nucleardove,


I take it that you got in and are now in Med 1 at UBC, right?


I am applying the ten-year rule to my application this year. May you share with us how you went about making the rule applicable to your case and what differences (grades, averages etc.) were there from years before that improved your profile for admissions?





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Guest nucleardove

Hey Ben,


I did get into UBC but declined, as I also got in at U of T, where I am now a brand spanking new 0T9-er.


I didn't do anything to make the rule "applicable" to myself. I just waited about a month, and UBC applied the rule to me (it showed up in the "messages" section of my online application). The message said something like: "We've applied the 10-year rule to all courses over 10 years old-- if that is a problem for you, please call us" (e.g., if I had actually *wanted* those credits applied). Since those courses were horrible for me, I didn't call them, so the rule stuck.


My old courses were 2 part-time years at U of M (cum GPA ~2.0, eek). My UBC calculated average including these courses may have bumped me down to a B+ or so, so not having them gave me ~84%ish. (If that makes sense.) Yay ten-year rule! U of T *did* count those old courses, giving me an OMSAS gpa of ~3.6, but they let me in anyhoo!


Hope that answers your questions, if not, ask away! :)



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