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3rd year applicants

Guest UBCstu

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I was just wondering how many ppl here are applying while in 3rd year?


Also, does anyone know how much more difficult is it for 3rd years to get admission than for those who have completed their degrees (if this is the case)?

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Guest mitchie41

It's probably the same difficulty. But if it came down to two applicants for spot #224 and you were exactly the same in every respect, except one person was in 3rd year and the other was in 4th year, then they would probably pick the 4th year.

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Guest mitchie41

Oh... I should clarify my last posting.


I agree with Leviathan. It's tougher to get in becuase as a 3rd year student, you basically have to be equal to the other applicants in terms of ECs, Grades, Reference letters, etc. But you've only had 3 years to accumulate this stuff whereas the other applicants may have had 4-6 years.


What I meant in my previous posting was that I don't think UBC Med looks down on 3rd years. I think they're evaluated in the same way as everyone else, as long as you can get your application up to par with the rest of the applicants.


But if you look at the stats, I think very few 3rd years get in because very few acctually apply. UBC Med doesn't really release any statistics on the level of education attained by their applicant pool so I don't think we'll ever know how many 3rd years made up the 1300-person applicant pool.

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