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PC vs Mac

Guest captainkirk

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Guest captainkirk

Hi, I'm looking to purchase a laptop for school next year (med2009), and I'm debating between buying a Mac or a PC. Does anyone know how compatible Macs are with UBC's med program? I've never owned a Mac but I've heard endless great things about them. I'm really tempted to buy one, but do you think it would be a bad idea? Thanks for any advice!

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


I'm not sure about the compatibility with UBC's computer platforms and applications, but I'll vet for the Mac. I was a long-time PC user and switched to Mac the year before last. Although some Mac software can be harder to find or more expensive to purchase, e.g., I recently purchased Mac versions of SPSS and Endnote both of which were more expensive than their PC equivalents, the Mac user interface is much more elegant to use than Windows. (I find.) :)




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Ahhh the age old debate of PC vs. Mac...


First of all, I am not entirely bias towards either a PC or a Mac. I have built/used PC's starting from grade 8, up until I bought my first Mac this spring (A Mini). My Father has used Mac's all his life (from IIe's to his current G5).


It all boils down to what you are going to be using it for. For the basics such as Internet surfing, email, word processing, etc. both will get the job done just fine. All the basic software is available for both, with some minor differences (eg. Safari on a Mac for web browsing). However, when it comes to protecting your computer from viruses and spyware, OS X on a Mac does a far superior job of keeping all the pests out, than Windows XP. This is a minor debate in itself, and it's not to say that with proper maintenance/software that you can't keep a PC clean of viruses. It just takes a little bit more work. To put this in perspective I've never installed anti-virus software, or had a virus on my mini. Of course as Mac's are becoming more popular, more viruses may be developed for them (only time will tell).


Mac's are a bit on the pricey side, the only real benefit (price-wise) to buying a mac right now is that an iPod mini is bundled with any Mac purchase (mail in rebate). If you shop around, there are always great deals on big name PC laptops such as Dell/Gateway/etc. If cost is your absolute biggest factor then a PC might be a better option.


Also, if you have any plans for using any kind of specialized software, or playing any of the latest games, then a Mac may not allow you to do this. Both PC and Mac specs are listed in the registration package, so I assume the issues with software, as far as Med School is concerned, is not a big deal.


Now as far as specific models....


For PC's, the model that caught my eye is the Lavono (IBM) X41 tablet/laptop. This is an ultra portable notebook that is a balance between speed/weight/security (it comes with a built-in thumb print reader :P ). It is quite pricey, at around, or just above $2500. There are so many different models, at just as many different prices, that if you decide to go with a PC: do some research before you buy, and shop around to get the best deal. Oh yeah, and McMaster (I think) requires the incoming class to purchase the same notebook, and it is the X41.


For Mac's, the notebook lines are split into the Powerbooks, and the iBooks. The Powerbook's are again split into 3 different models: a 12", a 15", and a 17". The 12" is an "ultra portable", the 17" is a desktop replacement, and the 15" is a middle of the road balance between portability and performance. The cheaper iBook's are split into the 12" model and the 14" inch model. The differences between the two iBooks is probably pretty marginal. Each model can be customized with different features. For more information on the models Apple's (or each individual PC maker's) website.


As for me, I've decided to get a laptop as well, and I have decided to go with a 12" Powerbook, simply because I've used a 15" Powerbook quite extensively and think that its added weight is not worth it's performance gains.


Hopefully this helped in some way, good luck hunting for your new computer! :D

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Guest BandaBoarder

Thanks for the summaries/info!


I've been checking out the computer scene myself lately debating MAC or PC. I've decided on a MAC iBook (14"). I'm pretty excited about the iPod factor as well!


If you go online http://www.apple.ca and check out the "education" options, you can save about $100.;)


Happy purchasing!

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Guest captainkirk



I haven't started looking too hard into the apple computer scene, but what's this you say about an iPod? Is there some sort of a combo deal involving apple laptops and iPods??

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Guest Kirsteen

Hey Anish P,


Glad to hear that someone else is enjoying a wee 12" Powerbook. :) There's one other person in my class who has one and loves it also. Additionally, I have a pal who has the 17" (I actually traded in my 17" for the 12") and although the 17"'s screen is not to be beat size-wise, it's a monster to tote around, even with the custom-made bags out there. Unlike the 17", there's little to beat the 12"'s portability, especially if you need to scoot around airports a fair bit.




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Guest Danish

Hi captainkirk,


As far as compatibility with UBC's med program goes, you could use either a PC or a Mac, because we don't really use any specific software for anything. You really only need to be able to access the internet to get to the medicol site, where all the lecture materials and quizzes are. Also, you need some type of word processor to type up all the fun DPAS assignments.

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