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MCAT site !!!

Guest UBCstu

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Guest UBCstu

I registered in early July for the MCAT and chose BCIT and UBC for the sites. I received my admission ticket today and I have been positioned at Kamloops. Did/ does anyone else have this problem? I've been told that I can send a request to the MCAT office and maybe if there is a chance I could be positioned somewhere closer to home. Has anyone tried in previous years to do this and were you able to get a site in Vancouver or was it just a waste of 20 bucks?

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Guest smalltownchic

I don't know anything about changing your site, but if you do have to write in Kamloops there are some real benefits. Yes you will have to spend the night before in a hotel, but when I wrote in Kamloops in 2003 there was a total of 21 people. We had a large room with big tables. It was as relaxed as an MCAT can be. We got longer breaks as it did not take very long to check us in and out. I would suggest writing in Kamloops if you can afford the extra cost. In fact a number of the writers were from Vancouver and were rewriting in Kamloops simply because it is such a small group. Good Luck!:D

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Guest leviathan

I just registered a few days ago...are you telling me they're going to make me go all the way to KAMLOOPS to write the exam!??

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Guest leviathan

I just got my ticket, it's for Kamloops. This is absurd, how can they expect us to travel 350 km to write the MCAT...I can't even AFFORD to do that, with the cost of transportation, accomodation, food, etc...

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Guest leviathan

More of us eh? If there's already 3 of us just on the EZboards here who have posted, there's probably a lot more who have both not posted yet and even more who aren't even on this site...In other words, I doubt there would only be 20 people at the Kamloops site, so I really don't see any benefit to going there if that's the case...


I sent off an e-mail about this, because this is what I consider "fraud" for a lack of a better word. They promised me something (a test site in my "general area") which I paid for, and now they shafted me with a test site 400 kms away.

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Guest leviathan

Yeah, I am too. As I said, I sent off an email asking them to transfer me. I don't want to be paying the $20 either when they stuck me somewhere that far, as if they expect us to make it there...I asked to go to either BCIT, UBC, or worst case scenario, to Seattle. Seattle would be about a 2.5 hour drive compared to 4 hours to Kamloops, and they have a computer-based testing site there which would be kinda cool, 'cause my handwriting sucks, and I don't want that marked agaisnt me for the writing section.

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Guest geckok

There often is a Sunday seating of the MCAT for people who can not write on the Saturday. Try to explain to them how far Kamloops is to Vancouver. Being that they are based in teh States I don't know if they realize how far things are in Canada.


Good Luck

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Guest 604EL

Ok, just to clarify... aren't the sites based on a first-come-first-serve basis? I mean, you can rank the sites and everything, but if they are full, then what can they do?

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There are a bunch of hotels between where you enter Kamloops, and TRU. Starting after you pass Costco, there is a Holiday Inn, a Sheraton Four Points (pricey) a Days Inn, a Comfort Inn, and a couple other no namers. All of these are on the south side of the highway, across from the mall. There is an Accent Inn (formerly Stay-n-Save) that is farther along, that you get to by taking the turn into the City (on the North side of Highway 1). I'd say that the Accent inn would be your best bet in regard to cost/location. TRU is not far from there, and you'd probably be best off asking at the htoel to get directions (as you're probably confused enough already :D ).


@#%$ that you're stuck travelling so far to write it, but I guess it's better than having to wait until next April....

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Guest geckok

I had the same kind of thing happen to me. I was in Winnipeg and they had me placed in Brandon. I explained to them how far Winnipeg was from Brandon and how hard it was to get there without a car. (Grey Hound bus was the only way and that took hours as it stopped everywhere). They were not too pleased that I was not happily accepting what they were offering, but in the end they let me write in the Sunday seating.


Good Luck

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Guest leviathan

Hey guys,


I just received an e-mail back from them and they explained they might be opening some new seats in Vancouver, and if not, I could write it on a Sunday session in Seattle.


Can someone tell me how the Sunday session works? Is it an entirely different test? Am I at a disadvantage if I do this?


Anyhow, if I can't get into Seattle or Vancouver, I think Kamloops would be alright. Actually, if everyone here scheduled for Kamloops wanted to split the cost of gas for driving there, we could all trek down together in my car and then share hotel costs and that as well...I think it wouldn't be too expensive if done that way, maybe $80 each for the hotel and gas costs...Let me know if you'd be interested.

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Guest geckok

I arranged it via E-mail. The Sunday Test is the same format as the Saturday Test.


I do not think there is an advantage to either day. It is not like the Sunday one is harder. That would mean that people who observe the Sabbath would be penalized.


I would think that writing in Kamloops is better than Seattle as there is no ¡°held up at the border¡± concerns.


Good Luck!

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