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registration package

Guest uchiha itachi

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Guest uchiha itachi

Did anyone receive the package in the mail??


I didn't get anything today and i don't expect anything this weekend due to canada day. Aren't we suppose to register next week? Please fill me in, thanks.

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i havent gotten anything in the mail yet.


unless you are in a hurry to register, there's no need to rush. its not like we're fighting for seats.



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Guest TKP 123

I picked up the package yesterday.


There are lots to read/to do, but as kupo said, you don't need to rush. You basically got almost 2 months to do things before school starts.


For the timetable registration on July 4th, you don't really need anything from the package. Just register for the standard time table and that's it.

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Guest kakashifan

the one thing i would recommend getting out of the way is the immunization review.

you need to make an appt to review your immunization record with the nurse at student health services. (located beside 'urgent care' at UBC Hospital)

This is more important if you don't have your set of Hep B shots.

=0. k

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Guest kakashifan

yup! you need to do much research into your vaccination history as possible. i had all this done for another purpose so i didn't have to do that. thanks for the correction TKP!

you can also contact your regional health office to see if they have any records as well.

=0. k

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Guest sparkle

I had my hep B shots in elementary school but have no record of it...my doc has no record of it except that based on my age, I would have gotten it in school.


Is it necessary to have written proof?

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Guest kakashifan

yeah i think so... you do need to have written proof.

it's ok tho... then they can do a blood test to check your titre. altho i had my set of 3 hepB shots.. they were done about 20 years ago so they did the titre anyways. good thing is that they're all free.

(the TB skin test is the only thing that's gonna cost you.. $20)

=0. k

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Guest Nicksinbc

Hey all:


They need official proof of your immunizations ( as per the info in the reg pkg). I grew up and and was immunised abroad and have no documentation to prove that this was done. I may have to re-vaccinate myself. Has anybody been in a similar situation where it is impossible for them to access their records. Any ideas as to how to avoid re-vaccination. YUCK!!! I don't have time for this...I wonder if having blood drawn for serology would help.

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Guest uchiha itachi

Can't they just take a sample of ur blood and check if you are immunized already?


Last year, i cut myself with a "dirty" blade in the lab and they took a sample of my blood to see if i'm infected (thankfully, no =P). But from that report, they told me i was immuned with hep B already.

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Guest TKP 123



I was not born in Canada, and I have the same problem of locating my vaccination record from child hood.


Chance is that there is some re-vaccination for us... After all, it may not be a bad thing, because the vaccinations are supposed to give us protection.


I realize that they can only titer your blood for some information but not all... e.g. they can titer your blood for antibodies against hep B, but I am not sure they can do that for other diseases.



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Guest thatuvicguy

Hey everyone,


I'm just wondering if everyone who selected to have their package mailed has received it - I'm still waiting here in Victoria and wondering if I should give it a few more days before giving them a shout.




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Guest physiology



Fill out that fold-up blue card as best you can, and then try calling your local health department for the rest of your vaccinations.


I had chicken pox but I couldn't remember when, so I just put down I had it and made up a date. Anyway, I think they trust you on that one, because people almost always remember if they've had it.


The ones they won't trust you on are the hepatitis B and TB. They'll get a titre of memory cells if your last shot was in grade 6 (when I had 3 of them spread out over the year). I think if your last booster was over was 10 years ago, you automatically get titered. You also have to cough up the $20 for the tuberculin skin test.


MMR hurts - it's the saline.


The UBC Health nurses/staff aren't the nicest people around (they're EXTREMELY busy), so get everything ready before you visit the clinic.


Oh, this is what happened this year - if you didn't have your shots by January - your marks for PRIN were withheld. So it's not the BIGGEST deal to get them done ASAP, but my advice is get them over with, and start booking now, as the Student Health Network gets very busy.





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Guest MekoMints

i was not born in canada either, but i remember a nurse in elementary school gave me multiple shots when i first arrived ...wonder if they keep a record of those vaccinations.


is there a direct phone number for vancouver regional health office to find out our records? Thanks.

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Guest sparkle

I'm in Vancouver and still no package yet...perhaps tomorrow?


Have any of you guys regiestered yet? I didn't do my undergrad at UBC so I'm not too familiar with how the system works and what a STT is or any of the registration process at all!

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Guest sparkle

Interestingly, I just received an email from Neil saying the package hasn't been mailed out to me due to "uncertainty in mailing address". Don't they just mail it to the address in the online application? Anyone else get this email?

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Guest uchiha itachi

I haven't really read the package yet but there seems to be a lot of forms that need to be fill. When and where do we hand in those forms? During orientation week? before? I should start reading this weekend :\

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