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To people who studied English in other provinces

Guest richmond604

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Guest richmond604

Hi, I am pretty confused about the english prerequisites at UBC. Basically, it states that as along as the course is offered by the English department, it is acceptable right?


I will be taking an English course next semester as it is not required for my degree at all. But I would like to make sure the course will fulfill the English prerequisites for medicine at UBC.



Description: The course is a general introduction to English literature since the late 18th century. Poems, excerpts from novels and one novel, short stories and plays will be studied. The student will gain an insight into the literary and social development of England until the 1950¡¦s. A selection of post-colonial writings will be studied from the previous British colonies.


The course will look at the themes: nature, evolution, industrialism, women and society, colonialism, post-colonialism.


Evaluation: Essay (4-5 pages) 25%; midterm test 25%; 5 in-class quizzes ¡Veach 10%. The quizzes will deal with the material from lectures and conferences.



This course is offered by the english department but it is specefically for students outside of english program. (They have another course for students in english program)


I did email UBC admissions but I didn't get a definite answer.


If anyone has/had done english outisde of B.C, please offer suggestions




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