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question about PHYL 301

Guest smooth operater

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Guest smooth operater

hey guys, I plan to take this course as elective, but I am afraid that I may do horrible on the exams even though I believe that I will enjoy the course.


I took BIO 112 about two years ago and ended up getting 69% :( given that the class average was 60% :( Many of you guys mentioned all exam questions for PHYL 301 were in multiple choice format. Are they just as tricky as multiple choice questions on bio 112? Do the questions mostly based on recalling information?


The materials for bio 112 wasn't too hard for me. It was the way the questions presented that screwed me over. Those of you who took bio 112 probably know what I mean. For the multiple choice questions, you have options like 1) xxxx 2) yyy 3) zzzz 4) 1,2 are correct 4) 2,3 are correct 5) all of above. It really mess many ppl's mind. So, I wanna make sure PHYL 301 is not like another course that screw ppl over. It's a big risk to take it as an elective since it worth 6 credits and only have two big EXAMS.


Hope those who took the course can offer some advices. THANKS!

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Guest physiology



Best thing to do - ask around for an old exam booklet that the BPP sells every year and see what the questions are like for yourself.



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Guest smooth operater

thanks phsiology. I hope I can do that before I register for the course. But too bad my registeration date is tomorrow, so I really have to decide whether it is worth taking or not. If I register 301 for now, it will leave out other electives that I want to take.


It will great if some of you share your experience in phyl 301. thanks!

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Guest physiology



My advice - register in the course now. It's a great course.


IMHO, it's the best preparation for medical school because of a lot of the difficult concepts are physiology ones.


PHYL 301 beats any of the pre-req courses hands down for preparing you for the PBL curriculum in med school.


It's not easy - but it's fascinating and it'll leave the course with something meaningful in your brain once you finish, unlike those GPA boosters.



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Guest TKP 123

Based on my experience with physiology 301 a few years ago, I think that is a good course. It is not tricky, but you have to make sure that you catch up with the material. There will be massive material accumulated towards the final exam, and if you don't study after each section, you will be in trouble.


I did not find the course tricky. Just need to have some self-discipline.


Moreover, if you don't enjoy the material in physiology 301, there may be a trouble for you when you are in medical school anyway. It is a nice preview course of med.

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