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BC Forum Quiz

Guest kupo

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You know, I was taking a gander at that Saskatchewan forum quiz. Quite impressive I must say! If you so desire to start one here, let's do it. I have nothing else to do.


From what I understand, the first person to get the question correct obtains the right to post the next riddle/question/meaning of life blah blah blah.


So.....here goes....


According to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, what's the answer to the meaning of life (life, the universe, and everything)?



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Guest BandaBoarder

Hey Kupo,

Did you interview in TB this year for NOSM? I just read an old post of yours and I thought this might be you! I think we might have met (breakfast at the Hoito and pool at the airport)???

Anyways, congrats on getting into UBC and I'll see you there in September! (And I am happy to say I will NOT be up in Thunder Bay!)



PS - Sorry I'm off topic! The Sask game looks rad, I checked it out once before.

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Guest Dunes

Ok, so I have a little riddle here since the previous question was answered (wasn't it??) :) I know it's silly, but fun!!


Susan's sister saw seven soldiers wearing seven socks. How many s's are in that?

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OK for those of you who grew up in BC in the 90s this will be easy. If you're a hockey fan, this will likely be easy too.


Who hit the crossbar in the seventh game of the 1994 Stanley Cup finals for the Canucks that could've tied the game?

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hey banda,


if my memory serves me correct, you are the only person besides myself who also had an interview at UBC that was at the breakfast. kudos to you for getting out of bed while others were too hung over to get up! haha.


how bout that? thats awesome, see you at UBC! man, this world gets smaller everyday. keep meeting/running into people i've met before.


As for the answer: it's Goeff Courtnall:rollin



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i like dunes question, so here it is again.


Dunes, let us know if we're right!



Susan's sister saw seven soldiers wearing seven socks. How many s's are in that?


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haha i spoke to soon, maybe nhl.com should get the name right. I wont say what the answer is, i've already used up mine.


the question about the 1994 playoffs remains.

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Guest keltok

Hey FungManX, EVERY month has 28 days, at least!


Hah. Well, that's my quick-on-the-uptake quotient for the day. I'm not touching the NHL question. I don't mind watching hockey, but I have no memory for the names of the people who play it. Blasphemy, I know.


I'll leave it to someone else to pick up the answer to that one...:D

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Guest Ollie
Who hit the crossbar in the seventh game of the 1994 Stanley Cup finals for the Canucks that could've tied the game?


Nathan Lafayette!! I still have nightmares about that.

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Guest Dunes

Just back home and saw your responses:)


the verdict is........................ Zero :) You were both right kupo and FungMax :)


More questions to come up tomorrow! Love this thread!! :)



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Guest uchiha itachi

Okay i'm just being picky but LaFayette actually hit the POST as oppose to the Cross Bar...:P


everyone thought richter made the save...boo!! thank goodness for video replays =P

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