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Registration Package

Guest funkshunalsyncytium

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Guest funkshunalsyncytium

I'm a BC resident currently living out of province(SK). My online app. status reads offer accepted as of May 26th and my SSC account reads all that great "Med Year 1" and the "July 4th registration date" stuff but I have not received the package in the mail. Have any of you got yours already, when did it arrive.


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Guest Kels2004

I think they wait until they have most of the class firmed up. July maybe? As for all this registration date stuff - I don't think it is a big deal because you are not fighting for class space. I just did it one night - it took about 3 minutes.




ps - other med I's.... Just 1 more day of exams! woo hoo! :) :)

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Guest liz80

Hi guys, a bit of an unrelated question. Considering that we have 224 people in class, will there be some type of a class composite/bios to get to know everyone? Maybe in the beginning of classes? With such a large class, it would be tough to get to know everyone.

Well, just a thought.


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Guest Kels2004

yes, you get a package on the first day with everyone's bios. I think you submit those in august or something. don't worry - they give you tons of info and time to do it.



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Guest calbearod

yeah, if i remember correctly. there is some "homework" before starting school. getting a bio written up and getting familiar with the discussion board by posting a message on it. nothing to get worked up over. just wait until your orientation package comes. as for getting to know your class, you work in small groups so often that you'll get to know people. having said that, there are still people in my class that i still haven't worked with yet. it'll be fun getting to know everyone's background, because the people are so diverse and well-rounded.

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Guest moxiekat

The FAQ has been updated again. It says the names of the students who accepted will be passed on to Student Affairs on JUne 10th. The registration packages will be sent out near the end of the month.

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