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Getting ready

Guest RachUBC

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Guest RachUBC

Hey all,


Well I am just looking for some advice from those that have gone through the whole preparation process for starting med school (or who are just more knowledgable about it than me :) . I am currently living out of the country and am making some travel plans for July/August. Right now I am set to come back to BC on the 22nd of August. Now, is this being a little unreasonable since the 1st day of classes is the 29th. I plan to have a place to live lined up already but there will be furniture shopping, organizing my LOC, buying books, buying a computer etc. I have also heard rumors about the CPR course that we need to take. Is this something that needs to be done BEFORE classes start? Anything else major that I am not thinking about? I haven't yet received my registration package so I still feel a little uninformed as to what needs to be done. Well, any opinions/advice would be very much appreciated. I need to get on with booking my tickets and making my plans but don't want to get myself locked into anything that is going to cause problems down the road. I realize it may be a little hectic but if it can be done I really want to extend my travels as long as possible before going back to the grind...


Thanx for the input



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Guest not rex morgan

You'll be fine. The first week is essentially orientation anyways. Get your LOC set up first. You MIGHT be able to call up customer service at whatever bank you think you'll go through and get pre-approved, so you just have to show up and sign papers when you get back. (depends on how fast you need to start using that line of credit) Research what computer you want while you're away. Buy whatever furniture is essential when you get here. You don't have to be in a rush to completely refurnish an apartment. First term is pretty light work-wise. The stress is ususally just getting used to a new way of learning, new people, etc. You don't have to have CPR done before classes start. You will likely have someone arrange it within the first couple of weeks.

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Guest ewon2003

You will soon receive a big package from Neil Parker on what to preprare for first year med... it will document everything step by step, and include a big list of pictures and bios of current first year med and dent students...


Of course, in August, you'll receive a student survival guide prepared by current first years that will tell you more in detail regard textbooks, equipments, computer, housing ... and as far as I know IMP and NMP have their own survival guides prepared for each respective site.


If you are leaving the city soon you might want to call the office to ask for the package to get started... otherwise enjoy the summer as much as you can before school starts

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Guest calbearod



there isn't anything essential that needs to be done before starting med school except getting the LOC to make tuition payments. don't worry about CPR, it'll be taken care of once school starts. as for textbooks, that should be last on your list of things to do. like ewon mentioned, wait for recommendations by either the orientation package or until you meet your 2nd year buddy. there will also be a used book sale that is another option for textbooks. just get your place set up and get a computer with high speed internet and you'll be good to go. the first week is really just getting settled in school.

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