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Easy 1st year UBC course?

Guest 604EL

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Guest scrubbed

Take something you enjoy. There are a lot of options at UBC.


An "easy" course that you don't enjoy can easily become a substandard mark.

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Guest 604EL

I just got booted out of med school, so now I have to repeat everything to try and get in again.


Actually, I'm just asking for a friend.

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Guest smooth operater

PHIL 120 taught by Burkholder is probably the easiest, but "dumbest" first year course you can take. It's so useless that you will wonder why you just paid $400 for the course. But it's a good investment if you are desperate to boost up GPA. I also recommend EOSC 110 if your friend like to learn more about the Earth in general.

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Guest mysticalbc

cpsc100 is easy too,, the only negative is that u have to attend the lab every week.. but its really easy

also any beginner language course would be easy too,,, i took beginners french (i had no background in french) and i found it super easy

also phil120 was easy too but as mentioned above, pretty useless, unless u take phil 220 with burkholder too lol

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Guest TKP 123

I took Phil 120, 125, as well as 200 taught by Burkholder.


I cannot say that these courses are useless... I think it will be useful for people who go into comp sci, because afterall it is about logic.


Phil 120 is the easiest, but I heard that Burkholder is making it a bit more challenging than before.


Phil 125 is alright, though you have to do a number of readings.


Phil 220 is difficult, I think, because I was not paying attention to the advanced logical stuff. Well, my message is it can be a killer if you don't take this course seriously. I was doing fine at this course, since I studied really hard for it before the final exam. My advice is make sure you study it as the term goes on; otherwise, you can screw it...




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Guest smooth operater

I took phil 120, 125, and 200 taught by Burkholder too. Even though he made the courses harder, it's still possible to do well in them as long you are able to force yourself to study the materials. The Key to success is to master the practice exams and visit him during the office whenever you have any problems.

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Guest smooth operater

I took phil 120, 125, and 200 taught by Burkholder too. Even though he made the courses harder, it's still possible to do well in them as long you are able to force yourself to study the materials. The Key to success is to master the practice exams and visit him during the office

hours whenever you have any problems.

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Guest MedAnxiety

I just took Phil 220A last term, and it was HARD. Burkholder really made it a lot more difficult than he did 2 years ago (as some friends has told me). If you want an easy course, I think EOSC 114 is pretty easy. It's all MC...


But yeah, I agree with Scrubbed, if you take something you enjoy..then you'll do well in it. If you don't (like I did with phil 220....) you'll do bad even if it was easy.


Good luck!

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Guest Phager

MUSC 100 - If you have a music background, I heard the first year course is a piece of cake.


FINA 181 - I took studio arts in first year and I got a pretty good mark too. (Things might have changed - cuz they call it VISA 180, 181, 182 now....so....) unless you're an artist....


CLST 301 - highly recommended - can be easy or hard depending on if you can memorize. I don't recall there's any prereq to take this course - great Pre-med course anyway.


PSYC 100 - In my opinion is difficult to get a high mark but some find it easy.


PHIL 120 - supposed to be easy...I never took any Phil courses....but this course is always the first course comes to mind...


GERM 100/110 - supposed to be easy again - this is from the grape vine....


Procrastinating obviously...



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Guest 604EL

I got booted cuz I missed out on a DPAS lecture that dealt with "crossing boundaries", so yeah, I totally didn't know there were boundaries until I was way over..... hahaha. I'm JOKING!!!!!!!


I thought it was kinda obvious that I was just joking. I guess not, since there're already two people who thought I meant it. Again, sorry guys!! I guess jokes don't come across that well on the internet.


[edit] I read my original post just now, so I did say "Actually, I'm just asking for a friend." Anyways, I'll try to be a little more obvious next time. [edit]

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Guest Crazypremed

Econ 100 and 101 was also very easy and interesting. But make sure you get Dr. Gateman because the other prof, Dr. Lemche, will bore you to death and has very hard exams. Studying under Dr. Gateman will guarantee you 90%+ in his course :P .

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Guest canuck0000

Uh...Crazypremed...I don't know if things have changed since I took Econ 101 and 102 four years ago (Econ 100 got phased out a few years before then), but Gateman being the easiest professor for economics sounds kinda...sketchy |I . Of the three professors for first-year economics back then (I dunno if Boyd retired already), Gateman was ALWAYS considered THE hardest one while either Lemche or Boyd was the easiest (depending on the person you asked). I don't think studying under Gateman would ever GUARANTEE you 90% (that isn't to say that you can't get 90% under him, but it depends on the person).


However, if you want to really learn about economics, Gateman is the best professor for first-year. I've had both Boyd and Gateman (Boyd for 102, Gateman for 101 in the summer - the summer session is ALWAYS taught by Gateman), and Gateman was a much better lecturer. He emphasized more understanding and application of the material rather than rote memorization.

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Guest Crazypremed

Well, that's the point. Lemche was just so boring for me that I never liked economics. Whereas, for people who had gateman, people really enjoyed his lectures and hence studied more and did better on the exams. Gateman has gotten a lot easier than what he was before. Everyone i've talked to so far says his practice exams (from a few years back) are killer, but the actual exam is way easier. I'm just letting you guys know a potential source of an easy course, but that doesn't mean you should trust me 100%. Do your research as well.


Also, like canuck said, a course can be easy for one person but hard for another. For instance, Classical Studies 301 is not as easy of a course as you might think. Some say its really easy (especially people who are good at memorizing), but others (who suck at memorizing) will do really @#%$. Good luck guys.



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Guest physiology



I too took a Burkholder philosophy course in first year - and I HATED it. It was also my lowest mark that year. It was PHIL 125 - intro to scientific reasoning.


I think I underestimated its difficulty and failed to do the incredibly dull and monotonous readings. There's also reams and reams of material to read.


There was also this EZboard that allowed students to post their answers to the weekly quizzes online.


The point? Take something that you would enjoy. If it also has a reputation of being easy - then that's a bonus.


That said, I have heard that first year anthropology, religious studies 100, and some of the language courses (German, French, Spanish, Latin) are very "interesting."


BTW - the UBC med admissions office isn't stupid. When people were coming out of classical studies 301 with like 99%, I do believe the office took notice and excluded that course that from the GPA calculation. I heard it as a rumour, and it may be complete garbage, but take it for what it's worth.

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Guest not rex morgan

The classics department in the past also offered a dig at a Roman Fort in England in the summer. I did it. I went to England for a month, mucked about in dirt, found some broken pottery, made some great friends, got 6 credits and an A. (You did have to write an essay if you wanted a grade higher than the standard 79%). If it sounds up your alley, look into whether they're still offering it. It's a third year course.

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