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Compiling Admissions Data ... Please help

Guest VwDubber

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Guest VwDubber

I'm compiling data of acceptees/waitlistees/rejectees so If it's not too much trouble, could you all (accepted/waitlisted/rejected) please take a quick moment to post your profile HERE.


Thanks a bunch!

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Guest Procuitto



Can you please explain the purpose of this website? What I mean is, clearly we all use the ezboard here and it is extremely useful and well used. Some of us also use the studentdoctor.net site. This website, on first glance, appears to be redundant. That being said, I also haven't taken a detailed look but maybe you could give us a little marketting chit-chat on this product you are promoting.


Muchos gracius.


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Guest VwDubber
Is this like the Canadian version of SDN?
The site provides a comprehensive home for prospective applicants with an interest in pursuing a career (in one of the major health professions in Canada) to discuss and ask questions. There really isn't one site that is structured the way futuredoc is (that I have seen as of yet and that is also is geared towards Canadian Schools and Canadian Applicants).


While I welcome anyone and everyone to use the site, there will also be added emphasis placed on GLBT issues (ie. I hope to link up the site with organizations like SOGLAD and AMSA in the very near future) and other iniatives are in the works.



Hope that helps,









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Guest physiology

Hello VwDubber,


I don't understand why you are developing a site similar to the one you already post on. I mean doesn't this site already serve the "premed" purpose? EDIT: I noticed that there are forums for the VCAT, and OAT there as well.


I just think that having too many similar sites may dilute the activity of one board. But then again - we're a capitalist society and competition is good.



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Guest VwDubber


Can you please explain the purpose of this website? What I mean is, clearly we all use the ezboard here and it is extremely useful and well used. Some of us also use the studentdoctor.net site. This website, on first glance, appears to be redundant. That being said, I also haven't taken a detailed look but maybe you could give us a little marketting chit-chat on this product you are promoting.


Muchos gracius.


Whether or not you intended, your post came across as hostile and the wording to some of your comments was unnecessary. Why would you bash the site by saying "at first glance the site appears to be redundant" when you admit to not having taken a detailed look yourself? Do you always bash things to which you have not carefully examined or know little about?


I also don't consider the site as a "product". Have you stopped to ask yourself why I am doing this? I'm not making any money off of it (instead it's costing me money), I'm not doing it because it I think it looks good or because I think it's going to help me get into medical school. I'm doing it because I care and for you to try and turn that around to make it look like it's cut out to be some cold cut business marketing scheme sort of tone is not cool.


With respect to site "redundancy", perhaps you are not aware that Ian's site (yes this ezboard which you said so yourself as being so extremely useful and well used) was not always like this. In other words, his ezboard was started after the delphiforums (LINK) which is where the majority of Canadian applicants to medical school would go. At the time there was a lot of bashing towards Ian's site (yes, I know that must be hard for you to believe) and guess what .... I bet you a lot of those hypocrites are on here now posting.


Comments such as those you have made bother me. If you want to stick to the ezboard and it's glitches then you go right ahead but please think twice next time before you bash a project you know little about.



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Guest VwDubber
Hello VwDubber,


I don't understand why you are developing a site similar to the one you already post on. I mean doesn't this site already serve the "premed" purpose? EDIT: I noticed that there are forums for the VCAT, and OAT there as well.


I just think that having too many similar sites may dilute the activity of one board. But then again - we're a capitalist society and competition is good.



Hi Physio,


I don't want the futuredoc site to simply cater to the "premed" crowd and it won't. Would it not be more helpful to have a site with a more comprehensive focus on health professions for Canadian applicants in professions such as medicine and dentistry but not simply limited to the former and the latter?


You mention the possibly of a diluting effect due to having too many similar sites ... Exactly how many sites would you consider as "too many"? Apart from this board and Vagabond's delphi forum which has been dead for quite sometime ..... nothing else comes to mind for Canadian Applicants. SDN does not really cater to Canadians.


Thanks for your concerns,










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Guest Procuitto

Wow. I will try to respond to your post as diplomatically as possible VwDubber, though this is going to be difficult because I find your posting to be incredibly uncalled for and inappropriate, not to mention very childish. But seriously, VwDubber, you need to calm down. If you re-read my message I think you will find that I was not in any way hostile. I asked you to please explain how the site differed from the other sites out there. I didn't tell you that your site WAS redudant. I believe my exact wording was "APPEARS to be redundant," and I asked for you to clarify. I thought I had missed something because I didn't have the time to search around your site and compare the two - which I touched on in my email.


Whether or not you are making money of this site, it is a product that you have created and promoting because (presumably) you believe in it. I asked you to explain why you were promoting it and why it was useful. The very fact that you were SO defensive, makes it actually look like you are doing this to patent your resume! Or else why would you react so defensively!!!??? I hadn't even thought of that, so how could I implicate that in the post above!


Medicine can be a cut throat field. Some of us (myself included) need to develop a much thicker skin otherwise everything is going to bother us.


Also, I will refrain for asking you to clarify or explain your site further in future for fear of getting your knickers in a knot!





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Guest VwDubber



I am quite aware that you said "appears to be" and that you did not flat out tell me that the site was redundant. However, if one takes a closer look at the string of sentences which surrounds your original comment/post:


"clearly we all use the ezboard here and it is extremely useful and well used. Some of us also use the studentdoctor.net site. This website, on first glance, appears to be redundant.


Then ... in other words, we already have ezboard. We already have SDN. The site that you have created on first glance appears to be redundant.


I feel that this is an accurate and fair translation of what you orignally wrote and is in essence equivalent to you just flat out saying that the site was redundant.


If you truly had wanted more information about the site, you should have just asked me to explain why it was useful and left it at that instead of making positive associations to two existing sites and then a negative association to mine.


Medicine can be a cut throat field but it is also one which requires compassion and sensitivity. I'll leave it at that.


Good Luck.














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Guest acire1

Really, VwDubber, you are extremely thin skinned and are completely over-reacting. It makes one wonder why.

Procuitto is a highly regarded poster on this board. You are reading way too much into her post.

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Guest Crazypremed

Hi guys,


I think VwDubber is right! The tone used from proscuitto's initial posting was negative and rude. Good job for standing up for yourself VwDubber.


I think your new website is great. I really admire people who are radical thinkers and take iniative to make things better for the rest of us. We need more entrepreneurs like you in this world:p .



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Guest not rex morgan

OK. Right now, as I'm writing this, is there a smile on my face :) or a scowl 0] ? Stuck? That's because none of you have any idea what mood I'm in. You do know what mood you're in.


I suggest you forget about the wording any syntax of the posts you're all arguing over. You often interpret internet writing based on your own mood.


As for other sites that at first glance appear similar to this one, it is tempting to resent them when you are loyal to one, especially an older one. Remember when N Sync came out, after the Backstreet Boys (ok fine, I do, please do not mock). Anyways, loyal Backstreet fans were outraged. N Sync ended up doing ok, and those that were consistently opposed just didn't buy the N Sync album. That's all you need to do here. Just don't read the other site if it's not helpful.


As for questioning intentions, this is something that you will see again, and again throughout your careers. It is frustrating when you think someone is doing something insincerely to further themselves, especially if you are competing for a spot in a med school, a research project, a scholarship, residency spot, etc. All you can do is learn from that, realize that you only want to do things that are congruent with your true interests and passions and get involved. This will inherantly make you look good...and classy.


Please note that I am not writing this in opposition or support of either side of this arguement. I'm simply adding my observations and some lessons I've learned over the last 4 years.

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Guest Procuitto

Thanks for the level-headed response not rex morgan. How can web posting have a tone? You can't see my face nor my hear my tone of voice! If you actually knew who I was you would realise how silly it was to take my posting as rude and negative, as described by VwDubber and Crazypremed, as this is totally not my style at all - quite the opposite! Still don't know how anyone could possibly take my posting as rude or negative....but I will start posting smily faces next to every posting I make so as not to offend anyone.


Also, I have no reason to be particularly loyal to any one site (hey I only started posting on this one this year!) but was looking for a what that site offered that this one didn't so that I was completely in the loop and was using my resources efficiently.


Proscuitto :):):):):):):)

PS. I would also like to make the point that being thick-skinned and being compassionate and caring are not mutually exclusive qualities. Toughen up people! The world isn't sugar-coated!!! :) And yes, I'm smiling and no I'm not being rude, I'm offering this as my honest advice which I will try and take myself!!

PPS. And I, too, am all for sticking up for oneself when it is needed, but I think this can be done diplomatically and only when warranted as I'm also not for bullying people either!

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