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Reapplying to NOSM: Changes to Autobio Sketch?!!!

Guest Filledunord

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Guest Filledunord

Hello everyone,


Among those of you who are reapplying to NOSM, or who applied in the Charter Class year, was unsuccessful but gained admittance this year....


How much did you change your ABS? I am probably reapplying this year, and besides changing some job experience, extracurricular and research details that are relevant to the application, not much else has changed.


I guess at this point, I should also ask whether the ABS main questions changed alot from 2005 to 2006?


Any thoughts on this are appreciated!



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Guest klansdell



I applied for the charter class and didn't even get an interview which makes me think that it obviously had something to do with my ABS since my GPA is similar this year and I was interviewed and accepted this year.


I think that my biggest mistake the first year was trying too hard to tell them what I thought they wanted to hear. I went on and on about being from the north, wanting to stay in the north, loving northern rural comunities, blah, blah, blah.


I think in retrospect, it came across as phony and desperate. This past year I did some honest soul searching and tried to genuinely express my answers in a way that reflected what I really felt. Remember, the people who read these submissions are very intelligent and will see right through any B.S you try to shovel. I tried to be concise with my points and then move on rather than redundantly restating them. I also tried to put my self in the shoes of my audience when going over my answers. Understand that there are thousands of submissions to go through. Long winded answers with vague points likely won't even be read let alone considered. Keep it short and powerful. Ask yourself what makes you stand out from the other 4000 some odd applicants and capitalize on that in a concise manner.


Finally, write it, leave it for a day, revise it and repeat. This formula will allow your answers to be a true reflection of you rather than a reflection of how you happen to feel at that moment. Also, ask for others to edit your submissions so that the final product is so polished you can see your reflection in it.


Good Luck,



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Guest krismd



i interviewed last year and was rejected post interview, but was accepted this year. in all honesty i changed only a few words, and simply added the additional extracurriculars that i had participated in since my first application.


as was mentioned though, i think its really important to be honest and spend a LONG time proofing it and have other people give you their honest feedback and opinions. sometimes what they say isn't good to hear, but it will help you in the long run!


best of luck next year! :)

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Guest Filledunord

Hey Klansdell,


I actually did receive an interview this year (first time applying), but I am quite convinced that this was my downfall. I think I may have come across as too negative!!!


I was just wondering whether people who had received interviews bothered to change their ABS much when reapplying, since it had obviously been successful enough unfettered to get them to the interview stage the first time 'round.


Since I will be taking a few courses and working a rather stressful job, I wanted to assure myself that the application process will not be as taxing as last year since I will be quite busy, and this was one of the main reasons why I posed this particular question.


Thank you for your responses, Krismd and Klansdell! :D

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Guest bp048



i am new in canada. i want to apply nosm for 2007, but i have two confussion, my first question is that for admission at nosm, every applicant must spent time at northen areas or just show her interest in living norther areas.

My second question is that for admission i need autobiography, so whats the main thing MOSN will seeing in Autobiography. please anybody answer my question.




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Guest NurseNathalie



It's great that you are considering Medicine! In terms of applying to NOSM. I strongly suggest that you spend some time browsing through the NOSM website - there's a lot of valuable info on there, including the answers to your questions. It will also tell you if you have the prerequisites necessary to apply.




To be admitted to NOSM, you don't necessarily have to have lived in Northern Ontario- BUT it certainly does help to give you a stronger application (in terms of 'points'). Especially since the competition is so fierce (in the end, it may all boil down to these little 'bonus marks')


It is the mandate of the school to recruit and retain more Northern Ontario physicians- so again, if you truly have an interest in practicing in the north- that's always a good thing.


In terms of your ABS question, I'm afraid its not that easy! they look at many many things- mostly, whatever will give them the 'big picture' of who you are- what you stand for; what you have done in the past; what your values/beleifs are; what your level of knowledge and prior education are... in short- they need to know that YOU are a good match for Medicine... AND a good match for NOSM and your fellow classmates.



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Guest bp048

Hi Filledunord;


I am rodovan, actually i am applying for 2007 class, but problem is that i am new in canada, so in my ABS i only need to mention that i love northern areas and like to work for the welfear of northern people...thats it.


my secont confussion is that my GPA is 3.86 so its consider towards competative or below the average.






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Guest Kidha



So here's the thing! If you are from Northern Ontario that is a huge plus, but I am assuming that you are not cause you said you just moved to canada. Do you live in Northern Ontario now? I think that your gpa is very good! Infact, I think the majority of the class average getting in will be considerably lower than that, or it was last year (3.5ish). With that gpa you should consider Ottawa and other schools as well.


Here are questions that I have for you. Have you lived in a rural community before? Are you living in one now? Are you a Canadian citizen at the time of application?




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Guest Filledunord



First of all, you submitted the same question to about three different strings within the NOSM chatboard. It might have been best for you to start a NEW string with your particular topic, rather than kyboshing everyone else's concerns.


Second of all, to answer your question regarding whether you should say in your ABS that you have a concern for the welfare of northern people, etc:. It is more important that you can DEMONSTRATE your concern through the activities in your ABS, especially if you have never lived in the rural north of Ontario, and/or Canada, which presumably, you have not since you are new to the country.


Finally, it would appear that your GPA is excellent, and certainly competitive- however, in NOSM's short history, it does not appear that GPAs are the end all and be all of possessing a competitive application. I certainly do not have a good GPA, but I did receive an interview this year, likely because I am a francophone who has lived in the north for nearly twenty years and was involved within my community.


Needless to say, it is in your best interest to cast the net wide and apply to as many medical schools as you can, (esp. if you wrote the MCAT exam).


good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bp048



Very thank you, all of you. actually i am canadian residend, i moved from pakistan to canada (windsor), just 11 month ago. so problem is that my all activities are from pakistan. so how i show my interest in northern areas.

I already made a list of all my activities with dates and contact person, so pls if you are giving me your e-mail address, so i will send you and you will check it and reply me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bp048

Hey Klansdell,


I am confussing what i mostly important concerned in my answer, and NOSM admission comettee want to show in my application.




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