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Accepted/Waitlisted GPAs?!!!

Guest Filledunord

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Guest Filledunord

Hey everyone,


I am really curious to see what the variance is in GPA of those who have been accepted to NOSM or waitlisted. If any of you would be so kind to indulge me, as I am trying to make the difficult decision of returning to undergrad *shudder* to improve my GPA, or whether I should weather another year of work and applying to grad programs and med programs....:\


Thanks y'all...



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Guest julie99



*shudder* indeed. I am doing the same thing as you right now!


anyone with any advice (in addition to gpa's) on how to improve a med school application would be much appreciated!!


cheers :)

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Guest PMD109

Well Grad school is always an option....NOSM adds 0.2 to your GPA if you have a graduate degree....that's huge considering MAC only adds 0.01 for masters and 0.04 for a phd. But it seems NOSM has a well balanced criteria and GPA is just one factor.

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Guest Souvenir de Mauve

Hi Fille,


My WGPA using 2nd and 3rd year only was between 3.54 and 3.61. I'm not sure exactly. It depends on whether they included an extra summer course taken in the spring of 2nd year.


Try not to forget that the interview is worth 50% too. I did a lot of reading before hand and I found that it was useful in the interview. I read a ton of ethical articles from CMAJ and my mom collected newspaper clippings on anything medically related in the local northern and national newspapers for me.


If someone had asked me who my top picks would have been for people to get in, you would have been up there. Overall I think I'm just really lucky. Hope this info is helpful to you. :)


(edited because I calculated the GPA wrong the first time. whoops)

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Guest Filledunord

Thanks Souvenir! You're right, the interview is also important. In retrospect, (even though I read a book on ethics, read up on CMAJ as well, read my hometown newspaper daily, etc) I think I may have come across as too negative in the interview. I am by nature, a pessimistic person, and understandably, this is not a quality that is coveted in medical students/doctors :P


Hopefully next year I will have a second kick at the can, and can present myself in a more uh, positive light. I need to lighten up not only to increase my chances of gaining admission to grad/med schools, but for my own well-being!!!



I already applied to MAsters programs (my backup plan), but I did not get accepted to any programs this year. I applied to several clinical psychology programs, with competitive GPAs that are comparable to med school admissions, in fact, potentially worse, because only a handful of people get in!!!



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Guest LindaMed

I'm not sure what calculation NOSM uses- but my OMSAS calculated GPA was 3.94. However- in terms of the interview- I think that that's the best way to increase your chances. I also prepped by reading a lot of ethics material- my favorite and the best prep I think was called "Doing Right" by Philip C. Hebert. It's really clear, easy to follow and well organized. Also, I kept up to date with local issues and health care issues ie. the Romanow Report, and I gave a lot of examples from my personal experiences to support the answers to most of the questions. The most important thing, I think, is to be confident, positive and committed. That being said, I really didn't think that the interview went that well for me. Just goes to show that one's own assessment under that much stress is not always very reliable.

Good luck to everyone!

Hope to see you all at NOSM- if not this year- then next!


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Guest Matt66GT



I was accepted with ~ 3.7 which includes a .2 boost from a graduate degree.


*You might want to look into the NOSM criteria before thinking about upgrading..... If I remember correctly from OMSAS, any courses you take after you've completed your undergrad degree won't affect you WGPA for admissions consideration unless they are part of a 3 yr degree which will be awarded before you being at NOSM*


I would highly recommend the feedback process if they do it again this year. I learned a lot from my conversations with them and made some slight changes to my application and interview which I feel may have pushed me to where I needed to be.

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