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Soooo...How was it??

Guest kingrad

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Guest kingrad

A question for all you who interviewed in TB this weekend........

How was it???

I remember from last year that it was a pleasant experience.

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Guest Filledunord

Hi kingrad,


It was a good experience...everyone was friendly...I was surprised at how there was absolutely no sense of competition...everyone just had that "we're all in the same boat" perspective, which is refreshing.


Of course now, I'm feeling the post interview anxiety- I felt fine before and during the interview, but now I am second guessing everything I said, and wondering if the questions I thought I answered well were actually botched. Ugh. The waiting game is no fun!


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As the NOSM student who gave the post-interview presentation on "Why NOSM?" said: Don't start second guessing yourself. You answered the questions to the best of your abilities during the time you had...we all did...now it's all a matter of waiting to see whether our personalities are what NOSM wants...We wait together!


Anna :D

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Guest Filledunord

Yeah, you're right..... but I tend to be the overly analytical type!


The charter class presentation was really good. They really outlined the benefits of the NOSM program compared to other, bigger med schools...

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Guest grandmellon

Congrats on the interview! Don't be too hard on yourself. As a tip it is good the write down the questions you were asked and how you answered them so that in the future you can refresh your memory should you have to interview again. Also decide on what went well and what didn't and how you would change it for next time.


If you had an interview and could post what you would change next time that would help us all to learn from other's mistakes. And of course... what worked well!

Thank so much


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Guest Filledunord

Hey GM,


I suppose that I couldn't really say whether or not the interview went well until May 15th! ;)


Perhaps one point of advice I have is to make note of your talking pace and organization of ideas. I think that I may have rambled a bit...ok, maybe alot (out of nerves, or feeling like I had too much to say and tried to say it all at once). Just take your time - you really do have enough time to express all of your ideas.

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I would have to concurr with filledunord....you would think 8 minutes is too long, but I found I rarely filled up the 8 minutes without prompting questions from the interviewers...


That's another thing...the interviewers WILL ask follow up questions to the main question asked on the doors...and if you still haven't reached 8 mins after the prompting questions...IT"S OKAY! just make small talk about the weather or your favourite book or what have you!


Good luck to the April 1/2 interviewees!



Anna :D

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Guest Isoceles


I think a good prep tip is to make sure you have lots of your "personal experience examples" in mind, but that you don't have yourself too hemmed in as to what they represent... keep them flexible :)

Other than that:

1) I thought it would be really long and that I would get super tired... but it really goes fast, and your adrenaline will more than carry you thru (I was super energized when I finished :P )

2)The interview went well, but the best part of my weekend was all the awesome people I met... so don't get so stressed out that you can't enjoy yourself and do some socializing with the really great people that may be your future classmates!!

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