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Interview notification email

Guest SaraKJ

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Hey every one,

I have been checking my email every 5 mint since this morning. I called school today and transferred to a answering machine with this message" all the interview notification has been sent out by email and mail today Monday 13". so just wondering whether this mean only the ones with the offer has got email ... is there anyone out there who has received an email




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Hey SaraKj


If they said they sent it out by email today and you didn't get on it doesn't look great. I never got one either, but I did interview last year so unless they changed something in their pre interview admissions then their could be a mess up somewhere.


I actually got curious and called myself and the message said that they WILL be sending out emails on Monday Feb 13th. The message does not say that emails HAVE been sent out on Feb 13th. This does make me feel somewhat better since the message could have been recorded earlier and they fell behind today for some reason or had some email glitch.


Anyways....it does seem strange that no one on the forum has posted that they got an invite. Keep your fingers crossed.

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Guest McCutch

It says on their website that they will be sending emails to everyone, those who get interviews and those who don't. It seems very strange that not one person on this forum has received an email.

How strict is NOSM about giving that kind of information over the phone?

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I would imagine there's just a holdup in the admissions office. 2000+ applications (and therefore, 2000+ emails) seem like a lot of work.


Of course, they probably shouldn't have been announcing the date as Feb 13th...because now they're going to make a bunch of heads explode from anticipation.

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yah this is crazy....Not one person on here said they got one. last year we knew of several that got IN.


Also there are people on this that interviewed last year, both from NO and those not. I would assume some of them would get an interview again.


McGutch....I remember last year that the kids that got the interview heard first by email. The ones that didn't had to wait some time.


I am sick of this....lol.

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Guest Isoceles

Well, I expected that when I checked this morning other people would have gotten one and the year would be over for me (3rd app cycle, I have already been rejected from 4/5 pre-interview and NOSM is my last shot), so although I am sick of waiting and suffering (like everyone else!!) I am kindof glad that there is still a chance...:\


Really, truly, good luck everyone... I know that this can be a very painful process.

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Guest professore76

Hi Isoceles, Sorry to hear about your situation. Isoceles are you by any chance in undergrad? If so, you may want to pursue an advanced degree? I've personally found graduate studies to be quite fulfilling and rewarding. Just be certain you attend graduae school for the right reason and not just because you couldn't study medicine. You don't want to be miserable for 2+ years of grad school while you re-apply to medical school.


How many charter class members have advanced degrees ( post- undergrad)?


I predict NOSM interviews will be mailed by the end of the week!

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