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Guest mustang80

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Guest mustang80

Greetings everyone, I am writing this e-mail to congratulate you all and hopefully find you in good health. I have an urgent request from any individual wishing to transfer from the East Campus (Sudbury) to the West Campus (Thunder Bay). I was originally accepted into the West Campus, but was notified that a free spot was available in the East Campus. As a result, I accepted the East Campus offer for family reasons. In addition, I signed a lease for an apartment, had the entire place painted, set up all of my personal services (ie. cable, internet, banking), as well as moved all of furniture and belongings into this place in Sudbury. To make matters worse, I am defending my thesis in a week and also hosting/organizing an international wedding with over 500 guests; some travelling from Nigeria and Italy. Now...24 hours ago, I was contacted by the office of admissions and informed that there was an oversight in the department and I cannot be placed in Sudbury. After just speaking with Dr. Konkin, she has made it clear that the school is willing to make all financial concessions in dealing with the move to Thunder Bay. I am absolutely disheartened because for the last 3 weeks I have been commuting between Kapuskasing, Sudbury, and London in preparation for orientation. As I am sure you are all well aware, this issue is time sensitive and I would greatly appreciate any form of response (even if it's negative on the transfer).


P.S. The school is willing to allocate up to $5000 for moving expenses and also deal with any legal ramifications regarding any lease agreements.


Thank you so much in advance.



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Guest northerndoc

Oh my....

You are coping amazingly given the situation... I wish that I could be of some assistance but am assigned to Thunder Bay.. I am more than willing to do anything that I can do to be of assistance. I sure hope that something can be worked out to help you out. My thoughts are with you... Good luck with the wedding, the thesis etc. Like I said, don't hesitate to ask if there is anything that I can do for you...

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Guest mustang80



Thanks so much for the prompt response and well wishes. I'll keep you posted on the situation the best I can.





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Guest jmh2005

That's frighening...I can't believe that they would do that, 2 weeks before classes start.


That's not only very unprofessional, I think this makes them look very, very bad... :\


Sorry you are a victim of their obviously poor planning and organization... good luck with whatever happens, hopefully they will do the right thing and let you remain in Sudbury. All the best...

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