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Guest tirisa

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Guest tirisa

How terrible that all the postings have been lost here.


Anyway, I've been away from this forum for the past several months, and was looking forward to getting back in the loop, particularly since I'm on the waiting list. Alas, I'm midway down, so not feeling particularly optimistic about getting in, but I'm happy to be on the list anyway.


Any other waitlisters out there with predictions about how it will move??


Cheers everyone and congrats to everyone who got in.


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Guest KerriD

Hi Tirisa,


I'm on the wait list as well and not the lower part of it either. I'm hoping that I get an offer, but I have no idea how it will go. I guess we just have to "wait" and see. I don't even know after what date we might expect to hear something (as in when the acceptances have to be confirmed for the first round picks). Let me know if you hear anything. =)



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Guest opiedog

From the message that the school sent out, it appears that offers of acceptance are a rolling continum and will or can be offered anytime throughout the summer. It makes it hard to make plans, but that's what we have on our plates. I am a waitlister too, and refuse to give up hope yet.


If I read it right on other schools posts, first draft acceptances are to in by next week and then we can expect to hear sometime after that for the next round. I wouldn't sit by the mail or email this week but go kick back and relax for w awhile:)


When I had connected with NOSM, I was told that I shouldn't expect the waitlist to move too fast or far given that this is the inaugural year for them. That is somewhat of a draw apparently, and they felt that they wouldn't hear too many refusing the first offers. So, I am continuing my life with the thought that I won't be going to school this year, but at the same time, am ready to accept at a moments notice if they should extend an offer:)

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Guest KerriD

So they don't anticipate going through much of the wait list eh? I guess I'm now more inclined to think that wait list opportunities will be few and far between. I wonder why they put 56 on the wait list then if they don't expect many declines...probably just to be safe. It's so hard to predict though because there are no stats from previous years as with the other universities. IT seems as though other universities actually reach a decent number of wait listed applicants (i.e. UWO). Time will tell.



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Guest waterbottle2

Hey everyone,


As I was calling NOMS to ask them questions, I got an answering machine that said that people who interviewed and didn't get into NOMS this time around can set up phone interviews with the associate dean to talk about their portfolio and why they didn't get in and how to improve for next year's application process. I thought that was pretty cool! Phone interviews will only start to be scheduled after July 1st they said.



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Guest dogpaddler09



I didn't get your e-mail - lost in limbo, I guess (somehow that seems like a pretty accurate description of life in general right now).


I don't know how anyone can predict how fast the waitlist will move. It really depends on how many people have offers elsewhere - both others on the waitlist and those that have been offered acceptance at NOSM. If the offers of acceptance went to people that have no other options, then it won't move. If they've been offered acceptance at Mac or Ottawa, etc., then I think those offers will be considered seriously and we'll see movement. The fact that it is NOSM's inaugural year shouldn't make for less movement on the waitlist, it should make for more given the obvious uncertainties that being in the charter class will bring.

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Guest docormama



That is fantastic news! I did not receive an offer or a spot on the waiting list, so I really could use some advice on how to improve my application for next year. Just a thought, but is anyone interested in talking about or reviewing their applications together later on in the summer? It's a bit premature I know, but I refuse to focus on the big R word...LOL

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Guest KerriD

Thanks dogpaddler,


what you said makes quite a bit of sense. I'm not sure why NOSM would speculate as to the lack of movement on their wait list (as mentioned in the other posting), but obviously this is all new for them as well. I'm having a hard time imagining that they'll ever make it to my oh so far off ranking on the wait list, but I guess crazier things have happened. We'll all just have to hang in and see.

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Guest opiedog

My apologies if I dampened anyones enthusiasm, certainly didn't intend to in passing on what I was told. I am "about half way down" the list too; it sort of is strange how we all seem to have landed at that point. A "neither here nor there" sense of direction! When NOSM said they did't expect much movement on the waitlist because of the newness, like others, I thought the opposite...that maybe the fear of the unknown would push others to take other acceptances. It's really hard to watch people waffling back and forth over acceptances at other schools. Oh, to have the comfort of choice!


My home computer has been royally trashed due to a virus (despite two virus checkers and a spam blocker running) so am now paranoid some email may come out of NOSM and I'll miss it. With any luck, the computer magicians will have it up and running shortly. It's may be a good thing this has happened though, as I didn't realize how compulsive I was getting at checking the ezboard out for news until I lost the computer.


Hang in there everyone, maybe we should be starting a local support group for hurry-up-and-waitlisters!

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Guest opiedog

Sent you a replacement email dogpaddler...you should see a link in the top right hand corner of your screen under your log-in ID.

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Guest Norseman

Any idea how many have been accepted to NOSM but are going elsewhere? I am #7 on the wait-list. Hang in there everybody.

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Guest Icarus

I just recieved word from a friend who has chosen Ottawa over NOSM. So, that's one more spot for someone. And all you waiting list folks are one step closer!

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Guest NurseNathalie

I decided to accept Mac's offer (after two weeks of utter panic, uncertainty and I think an ulcer.. lol)


so..that makes one more spot open at NOSM..


I also beleive that being a charter class might be a deciding factor, in favor for another offer if applicants had more than one offer.


Docormama: a few of my friends also didn't get in. One asked me the same thing you mentioned earlier: 'help me improve on my application...'


I beleive that the application mostly gets you that coveted interview.. if you got the interview, I would tend to assume that your grades are up to par, and you answered the autobiographical sketch questions appropriately..


or am I getting this process wrong?? maybe spend more time practicing answering questions, giving your opinion, etc.. to maybe have a stronger interview??? talk to friends, talk to family.. talk with strangers about 'hot topics' of interest or that are in the news.. that helped me. I also then took a few minutes to ask how my answers came accross to see if what I was trying to say came out that way, and asked for feedback, etc.


I was told that in determining the applicant's 'grading' through the process: 50% was from the ABS answers, the GPA, the background (from Northern Ont., having lived in Northern Ont community in past; Francophone; Aboriginal Ancestry, etc) and the other 50% is how you performed during the MMI .


guess one can always improve .. and you can ask for guidance for your application.. but don't loose yourself in the process.. obviously, you did a marvelous job in showcasing who you are, cuz you got an interview.


just a thought.

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Guest opiedog

I still wonder where the letters of reference come in to play. There is no mention of them using them anywhere in the selection process. I'd hate to think that I took up valuable time from someone to write a letter, pester them to get it in to OMSAS on time, and then not have them used in any manner.

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Guest dogpaddler09

I can't remember where I saw this, but I think the reference letters only come into play when applicants are tied. The reference letters are then used to rank people whose scores are the same after their MMI and GPA and other factors are considered. I tend to think that most applicants find referees who know them well and can espouseall their greatest qualities. I'd hate to be the one who had to decide who had the best reference letters as I'd say many are quite similar.

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Guest waterbottle2

Just to let people know, one of my referees did get a call from NOMS and so did one of my friends who also got in. One of my friends who got waitlisted also got their referee checked. NOMS is the only school I have heard of that actually checks referees!



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Guest tirisa

Wow, waterbottle2, I'm amazed that your references were called, and impressed by NOMS thoroughness in checking. I agree that if you go through the work in getting good references and having them write letters etc., it's nice to know that your efforts were worthwhile (regardless of the fact that most references will say good things about you).


Anyway, good luck to the waitlisters. May the list move rapidly. (I'm just past halfway down, so I'm not holding out too much hope, but best of luck to everyone else.)




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Guest KerriD



Does anyone know if NOSM will email waitlisted ppl or if we wait for snail mail as notification? I would think that it would be email, seeing as everything has been in the past, but just wanted confirmation of this if anyone knows.




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Guest Icarus

I don't know if any of my referee's were checked. They did contact at least on of my varifiers on ~21st of May. I'm assuming just to check and make sure that no one had a ficticious application. They didn't ask for a personal opinion of me, just for confirmation of one activity that I had on my sketch.

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