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question for moderator

Guest sneakydog

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Guest sneakydog

hi, i hope someone can answer this question for me. I was thinking about out of province applicants and i was wondering what happens to their seats if they turn down their seats. Do those seats then go to NF residents or to other out of province applicants.


Is the number of NF residents the same each year or do they take up the extra seats that are turned down from out of province applicants.


Also, is everyone who is waitlisted (NF and out of province) placed on the same wait list? This will probably help answer my first question too.



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Guest surfette

I called the admissions office last year with the same question. What they told me was that they had separate waitlists for each competition, and that once someone gave up their spot, that they would fill the spot with someone from that respective waitlist. So to answer your question, the allocations for each competition do not change once someone forfeits their seat. They just fill that seat with someone else from that same competition. Hope that helps.

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