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Hello, anybody out there?

Guest climberchick

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Guest climberchick

So, of course, I'm checking this forum for the third time today (and no I don't have a lot of time on my hands, but I do love procrastinating) but unfortunately no one has posted anything for awhile, which means my procrastinating time is being cut short. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that little tinge of sadness when they log on and find the board exactly the way it was an hour ago, 12 hours ago, a day ago, 4 days ago...


anyway, I do have a question that maybe someone can answer...


Are the Admissions office support staff on strike as well and if so, will that push back the expected date to hear about acceptances / rejections?


Hope to hear from someone, anyone!! :P



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Guest Bleepo

Hey climber, I'm glad I'm not the only one checking this forum everyday! I don't think the labor dispute is affecting the staff at admissions. I called them about a week ago and they were still answering the phones. As for acceptances/rejections, where are you from? I think most, if not all OOP applicants, and NBers have already received news....unless you're on the reserve list waiting for a spot ..in that case, admissions said that they usually don't start calling people until the end of June (that's usually when everybody figured out where they've been accepted to and can finally make a decision as to which school they prefer). Hope that helps!

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Guest walkorbike

Hi, Climberchick and Bleepo,


I am just hanging in. Really want to go to MUN: have no idea if I will make the cut. I have got to say, going to the interview at my home province's medical school was extremely satisfying: I felt like Rocky, at the start of the movie, wanting to go the distance and I was so happy to be there! Since I'm in-province, though, there is another brutal month's wait. That's the case for you too, Climberchick, I believe. Bleepo, are you an NLer as well?


Good luck you guys! I am rooting for you!


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Guest Bleepo

Hey walkorbike!

I'm actually an OOP applicant...from Ontario. I'm on the reserve list ...so I may have a lot longer to wait than you NLers! :rolleyes But I hope all goes well ..hehe .. I heard the OOP list moves quite a bit so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Good luck to you too!


;) Bleepo

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