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Multiple Applications

Guest Ronin

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Guest Ronin

After how many attempts do you think you should just give up applying?


I'll be going for number 3, which is fine by me, but maybe it's starting to push the limit?


I've gotten an interview with each application, so maybe it's the interview alone that's sinking me, in which case it can obviously be remedied (as long as it's not just a case of me having a horrid personality).


Also - congrats to everyone who made it this year. Maybe you can sell me some textbooks next year!

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Guest suki234

I don't believe 3 years is "pushing it". Two little stories:


I heard of someone who got accepted at Dal on their 5th try...in fact, their acceptance letter arrived as they were studying for the MCAT (since MCAT scores are only good for 5 years)!


I think it pays to keep trying...as long as your not putting your entire life on hold. I guess, I'm saying it's a good idea to have a backup plan.


Another story...I had a friend who got into MUN on his 5th try; he was academically outstanding but I'm guessing he didn't have the best interviews. Still, today he's an MD.


Keep trying!

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Guest clinicalchief



Sorry to hear the news dude. I was rooting for us all to get in this year! However, please do not give up hope!


My advice is to definitely go for it again. From what you said on another thread, you have obviously improved your application since the first time you applied, and I would say it was definitely to your advantage. It would be silly to think that applying again would be a waste of time and effort. I know plenty of people who have gotten in after 3-4 application cycles.


You should book a meeting with admissions again to discuss your file. But your right, your interview may possibly be your weakest point. There are many things you can do to improve this, including practice interviews. I did 2-3 before my interview and I felt that if I didn't have to do them, I wouldn't have had a chance in the real thing.


Also, I have alot of resources on file that I used when practicing for my interview - if you are interested just let me know!


I Hope everything works out for you, good luck!



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first, dude that sucks, I know I was checking the board today just to see if you got in


next, apply to other universities next year. Even if your odds are slight in the OOP pools when MUN is giving you trouble, you might get an interview or two before the MUN one. In the two years I've applied to med I have done terribly on my first interview and improved significantly as they went along. (but that's a pricey suggestion, pick schools you can stay with friends and party while you visit)

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Guest lolaloo

Hey there Ronin!


I know just how your feeling I was rejected post interview as well. I think you mentioned in an earlier thread that you had moved away from home and managed to get a decent job with your degree (just happens to be the same one I hold). Since your employed and hopefully enjoy your job I don't think you should give up no matter how long it takes. The way I look at it is they will eventually have to let us in ;)


Perhaps in the next application cycle we can work on our interviews together, I jotted down all my questions immediately afterward so next year I can be better prepared... some of my answers were pretty weak :\ I feel my weakest parts were my MCAT score compounded by a not so fantastic interview.


A friend of mine applied three times and she now is finishing her second year, I bet next year you will be admitted and just think you can continue to work and save until then so you won't end up with so much debt in the end :D

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Guest Ronin

Wow, you guys are great. Slightly better than the advice I've been receiving so far, which has gone to the tune of "that sucks, let's get drunk".


suki234: Stories like that definitely help.


ClinicalChief: Thanks for rooting for me. I will definitely be hitting you up for those resources.


nby: Don't leave the board now that you're all successful and whatnot. You are now my man inside.


lolaloo: That sucks that you didn't get in. After reading your stories in an earlier post (all the volunteer work and whatnot), it seems insane that you wouldn't be accepted. You're right, they'll eventually have to let us in. Working on our interviews sounds like a prime idea, make sure to keep in touch and we'll figure something out.


Again, thanks to all. The next time I'm in St. John's I'll hit up you future doctors for some drinks (on you of course, since you'll be hauling in the cash sooner than me!)

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