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MCAT Timing

Guest smg

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So here's my situation. I'm a 4th year social sciences student and am planning on applying to med school. I've taken a full year bio course, but no other univeristy sciences. I took Chem 30 and Phys 20 (in Alberta) 5 years ago and did well, although I don't remember much from them. I'm planning on taking intro physics, , orgo and biochem next year and a general chem this summer.


My question is this: should I wait to write my MCATs next spring after I've taken the courses and have to wait an extra year before applying or should I write them this summer (2003) after taking the prep course so I could apply in the fall? Any advice? Is writing the MCAT without taking the courses a waste of my time and $? 8o

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Guest kellyl20

you will know after the prep course whether you are ready or not to write the MCAT. No doubt you will do better after the courses but with the prep courses and self learning you might be Ok too

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Guest DalHopeful

Waiting a whole year seems like a heavy price to pay. I would suggest taking the prep course. With that and a lot of self directed learning you should be fine, if you do poorly on the august 2003, you can always write again in aug 2004, which wouldnt add any more time to your schedule.

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It also depends where you are planning to apply to med school. If you're only looking at Ontario schools, then your actual score doesn't really matter, if you can get triple-10's you're set. But if you're planning to apply, say, to the US then every last mark counts, and it may be advantageous to wait until after organic, etc.

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Guest sally2001


my position is similar to yours. i took bio,chem,phys 6 years ago. i never took organic. i am taking a prep course right now and while the organic stuff is sort of strange, i think the prep course is comprehensive enough to give me a good chance at scoring well. however, to maximize your chances at getting good scores, you really have to put in a lot of time. the prep course has 2 classes a week (on average) and there is a lot of material, videos, sample tests etc etc. they are only available to you during the course. needless to say, it takes up a lot of time to use all the material. so that's just something for you to consider. if all goes well, i'll be writing this april (w/out organic).

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Last summer i had a few people in my prep course who had not taken any university sci courses in a very long time and were just tying to do the prep course and then the mcat with out them. They quickly found out, the prep course does not teach you stuff, it only reviews. If you do not know the stuff before hand, it makes it a lot harder. They really slowed down the class for the rest of us (not that we were particuarily upset, we just felt bad for them) I'm pretty sure they ended up doing not well enough on the mcat (even for Dal standards) and will have to go back to school take the courses again, then take the prep course again, and write it again. So basically they kind of wasted a summer ans a lot of money. If you haven't even ever taken any university sci courses, i think it will be really hard, and would definitly reccomed doing the courses first, you have to do them anyway (unless you want to apply to mac, then you dont need the mcat anyway), so you may as well take them before the mcat, i really think it will spare you a lot of money and make things a lot easier. That said, if you are a really great independant learner, theay maybe you can do it! But I wouldn't do anything while studying.

That is just my 2 cents, from what I've seen happen.

Good luck!

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