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MCAT Writing Sample

Guest SDFQ

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just like the 15 pt. scale....using letters....it starts wtih a J (which is like a 2)....up to a T(which as far as i know, is basically impossible to get)...if u get an R, that is really really good.....you can't get much of a better mark.

The 2 writing samples are marked indiviudually, each out of 6....a 3/6 is like an 8 basically (it means you've met all the requirement sought after in the instructions)...

but yeah, if u get an R...your set; most places only require an N, some even an M......

hope this helps

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I don't think there's a strict conversion. Basically how it works is that you have each essay marked by two people and averaged, and you get a score out of 6 for each. So your total score is out of 12. Then somehow it converts to a letter score ranging from J (the lowest) to O (50th percentile) to T (the best).

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its a 12 pt. scale..not a 15....J being equal to 2...b/c it is impossible to get 0 on either or the essays, thus, you are guaranteed a J (1 pt. for each essay)

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I haven't wrote the MCAT yet, but I was just wondering how the scores are done.


When they mark the MCAT, do they ever curve the marks?


Also, is it generally difficult to get an N?????

or is that like regular high school writing???

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They're only allowed to spend about 2 minutes reading your paper, and it's graded as a "general impression" type mark (i.e. it's not like 2 points are reserved for grammar, 4 for content, or whatever). They're supposed to be "trained" to identify how a paper worth a 4 should look like vs. one that deserves a 6, etc. N is around 30th-40th percentile, so technically it shouldn't be hard to obtain. BUT, since they only spend 2 minutes reading, there really is a fair amount of subjectivity involved.

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Guest Kirsteen

On MCAT WS sections,


If, perchance, you receive your scores back and are disgruntled with your WS mark, don't forget that you have the option of submitting your essay(s) for re-marking. A caveat: you may wish to exercise this option only if your mark is quite low, as they state that when they re-mark your essay the mark can move up OR down.


Speaking from indirect experience, someone I know wrote the August 2000 MCAT and did very well on all sections except the WS section where she scored very low (below M, if I recall correctly). She felt that this WS score jeopardized her application's chances of being looked at, so she resubmitted and received a higher mark (I think it was re-evaluated as an O). She gained entry to an out-of-province, Canadian medical school this year.


Cheers, and good luck,


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I personally know someone who got a T on the writing sample. My Kaplan instructor this summer had 36 T on the MCAT. He's now in 2nd year Med at Western. I was fortunate because, at least, when he corrected my essays I was confident that he knew what he was talking about.

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Guest timmymax

Hey guys,


Just thought I'd throw my 1.5 cents' worth wrt writing sample. On the August 2000 MCAT, the percentage acheiving a score of T on the WS was like 0.4% (>99.6 percentile). Although I can't say what constitutes a T, I do know that I've scored an S on the 2 MCATs I've written, although I didn't think my essays were all that good...but yes, T is very possible, along with S and R and Q, so I wouldn't worry too much- so long as your essay was legible! (Those X's are killer, I hear)


Best of luck MCATers!


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