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Holiday Inn Complaints ?


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Hi Guys...


Was just reading the posting, and I found that some sections were not properly timed, and especially the bio section she knocked off a couple of mins... !! Also, 5 mins before the Bio section was ending the lady started reading the instructions on how to do the survey, how stupid was that... I thought that was pathetic. Also, the room I was adjacent to a room which had some Holiday Inn employees cleaning up and all I could hear was banging plates (or glasses?), etc.. it was horrible. Did anyone share the same experience? I would really like for someone who had the same experience to write to AAMC, because honestly, I didn't pay 250 some odd dollars for this kind of treatment.



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I was somewhat pissed off about the timing. I don't think we actually lost any time on verbal overall, but they did give the 5 minute warning early, which was enough to throw me off. For all the other sections, I had to be sure to finish early just in case they stopped us early (which they did a couple of times, but it was only a problem on the writing sample, where I was rushed for time). The place where I was sitting was fine (far right side of the room), so I have no complaints there.

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