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Resumé Component

Guest ComplacentTragedy

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Guest ComplacentTragedy

Hi guys:


I'm just filling out the resumé component of the UofA application, and was hoping to hear what successful applicants have done previously. What style of writting, how they fit in contact information etc... All help would be appreciated.


In particular, I am unsure of what to do with the 'Additional Comments' section of the application, and the sixth part of the resumé:


"6. Is there anything else relevant to your application that you feel the committee should take into consideration? If not, please type 'NO'. (Maximum 10 lines)"


I question what is considered 'relevant' to the application.


Sorry if this has already been brought up - thanks in advance!

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Guest Lactic Folly

Anything you want to tell them that is in support of your application. The interviewers will read this as well before they meet you. It's difficult to fit in lots of stuff and took me quite a bit of re-editing - but it depends on the nature of your experiences (one major commitment vs several, what you wish to emphasize, etc.). I used point form but people write up personal attributes in many different ways, so the format is unlikely to make a big difference. Play with it until you're happy that it would convey an accurate impression of your accomplishments to someone who doesn't know you.

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Guest ComplacentTragedy

Thanks for the reply - did you fill in that whole page 'additional comments' section though? It is labelled


"In most cases Additional Comments are not necessary. However, if you think that you need to comment on any items regarding this application, your comments will be attached to your application.


Since your comments will be printed on one page for the judges, they must not exceed more than one printed page. The program will prompt you if you exceed this limit. When you submit your application, you can see how the printed text will appear."


yet it seems strange to leave such a box empty.

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Guest Lactic Folly

No, I don't think I filled in anything that was a page long.. I got the impression that was for special circumstances. I did fill in the last bit of the personal attributes, although there are people who put a big 'NO' in there as well.

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  • 3 months later...

Last year I was an unsuccessful third year applicant and I visited with Marlene. I had left it as a NO, and she explained that most people did as well, but that she couldn't understand why.

It isn't scored, while the other questions are, but it is printed on the same page and the graders of your essay see it. Marlene suggested that there is always a chance that what you say influences the graders in a positive way, which may bump up an otherwise borderline score on a section.


So it can't hurt you, and it might help.

I used it to explain the reasons I'd really like to stay in Edmonton for medical school

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