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CHEM 361

Guest josh

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Guest josh

I just got a B in CHEM 163, so since this brings down my ever important pre-req GPA quite a bit, an option I have open is to take CHEM 361 to upgrade my Organic Chemistry. But I hear that CHEM 361 is not worth taking to try to upgrade?


Advice? Thanks.

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Guest DoNair

I bombed Chem 161 and then did awesome in 163. To upgrade, I took 361. It was definately worth it. The lecture was really easy. I had it the first year Dr. West taught it. The NMR/IR was pretty easy until the very end, but still manageable. There are a bunch of mechanisms to learn but these are not bad if you UNDERSTAND what the hell is going on. Do not try to simply memorize this material or you will get burned.


I definately recommend taking the course to upgrade. I could've gotten an A in it had I not bombed the first midterm (which was incredibly easy). Still, I was able to improve my organic scores for the med pre-req.


With some hard work it can be tackled. Do well in 361 because you don't want to have to take 363. Try to convince a friend to take it with you so you can tag-team those lab assignments. Maybe even try to find someone who took it the year before so you can have their lab assignments. They won't be the exact same, but it will help you learn what NOT to do.

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Guest josh

If my CHEM 163 mark is lower than my 161 mark, and I take 361 and do better in that, would the 361 mark then replace my 163 mark since it's the lowest of the three?

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Guest 0nsp

I would definitely recommend taking it if you need to upgrade. I did pretty bad in first year organic, and really hated it, but I took chem 361 and 363 and absolutely beat the piss out of it. I also really enjoyed it ( I was also in Dr. West's class last year; he's not as good as Lowry (363) though). The labs really suck, but lecture is pretty easy. I totally agree with the previous poster who said you have to understand it, not just memorize it. Once you know what's going on, it falls into place, and is pretty common sense. Actually, mechanisms can be pretty fun. (i'm not a geek, I swear!). One caveat though, 361 is filled with premeds trying to upgrade, so its a big class and somewhat competitive.

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Guest coolguy3650

Dr.West made the course A LOT harder now (averages for all tests were in the 50 range). That course makes you work like no other (the lab assignments are crazy!!!). However, if you work your arse off you should be able to upgrade. I went fom a 7 (B+) in 263 to an A in 361.

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