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Future plans....

Guest MDmmmsure

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Guest MDmmmsure

Hi everyone....


Having been recently accepted into medicine has been an awesome experience, however, now I am starting to feel a little tension with my present situation:


I have completed four years of an honors immunology and infection program....because I switched into the program late (3rd year from general science) I am still 5 courses short (4 + research project) of my degree.


My question concerns residency matching...... will not having completed my degree be detrimental to my application, keeping in mind that I am pretty sure that I will be pursuing surgery as a career (considering the competitive ones too like ENT, urology, etc.). I know that the UofA grants those lacking a degree a Bsc. (medical sciences?), so I will have the degree, just not my honors degree. As well, I know that I can still pursue the MD/PhD as well. I'm just wondering if there is any reason whatsoever to defer and finish the degree (I really don't want to though) with regard to my future carms application? I will, minimally, finish with the MD degree with special training in research (STIR) at the UofA as I have completed already two summers of research on AHFMR and am planning to do two more, and may pursue MD/PhD (although I would rather have a more clinical focus in my career mixed with some research, and not vice versa - thus I don't know if the PhD is right for me). Any help would be much appreciated!


ps- I know this question has been asked to some degree before, however, with all the problems on the board I thought I would just ask again.



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Guest fluidity2

Hey Joe


I can't imagine that not completing an honours degree will prevent you from matching to surgery or urology, especially with your background in research. Remember that there are 25+ students without a degree in your class who will graduate with you. Think about the MD/PhD because it is set up more for people who want to focus more on basic research - STIR might be a better option, especially if you do research in surgery labs. The best thing might be to contact the person in charge of the MD/PhD and STIR programs (look on the faculty website). Hope this helps.



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Guest hash

To add to MDmmssure's question:


Does the UofA offer anything to ppl who've completed only three years? Any sort of certificate to show for 3 years of pain :) or a basic science degree of some sort? (like the 3 year degrees in Ontario).


I'm kind of in the same situation as you, except I just completed my third year in Honours Pmcology.

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Guest CD4CD25

I think that you end up getting a B.Sc. in medical sciences as well as the MD at the end if you enter prior to finishing your undergrad, but you could talk to the admissions office people to be sure.


With regards to the MD/PhD program, you have to get admitted to graduate school just like any other grad school applicant. I am pretty sure that it is contingent on you obtaining your B.Sc. ahead of time, so I am not sure that you could enter MD/PhD without the B.Sc. being finished. What you could do is take a year off between MS2 and MS3, do some research in a lab, and take the courses. This will ensure your STIR designation, potentially get you a publication, and allow you to finish your degree. Just an idea. CD4CD25

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Guest MDmmmsure

Thanks for the replies.....


I do believe that you can still do PhD even without having the Bsc....mainly because they grant that degree after second year (when you will be starting the PhD).....I also believe there are a few 2/3 year applicants that are doing the MD/PhD......


I'm leaning more from this degree because I want my career focus to be clinical, and the PhD = more basic research, running a lab, etc........I would rather spend my time with patients (no offence to the academics).....


Right now I think general surgery is for me, but I am also considering Urology and ENT (right now I'm working in a lab, basic science research, involving immunological mechanisms of organ rejection after transplant surgery)....


My main fear/concern is that not finishing my honors degree and 'only' recieving a Bsc general (ie-medical science) from the medical school could negatively effect my chances at landing these residencies.....couple this with the fact that I don't really want to defer for a year, and your left with a scrambled brain.....



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Guest swedeboy

Hi Joe,


I know it seems like having the honors degree over the BSc Med Sci might boost your chances of getting in to some of the more competitive residences (ENT, urology) but I think the effects would be minimal at best.


From what I know, it really doesn't matter that much what undergraduate degree you end up with so do not defer for a year if that's your only concern.


After all, you already have the two summers of AHFMR sponsored research and if you're also planning on doing STIR, that's more than going to make up for not doing the honors degree/research project.


So I guess my advice would be take pride in what you've already accomplished, start med school this fall, and then work hard/have fun over the next four years (because that's the real time period which will dictate what residency you end up getting into).


Hope that helps and I look forward to meeting you.



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Guest MDmmmsure



Are you not starting your second year at the UofA (I thought you were accepted last year)....


I'm really tired.....so mabey that's a dumb question...



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Guest swedeboy

Hey Joe,


Sorry, I should have been more clear but you are correct. I was given the "Incoming U of A Med 1" title last year but it hasn't been updated since then even though year one has come and gone. Have a good one!



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