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Alternate Candidate List info

Guest snoopychan

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Guest snoopychan

I spoke with Marlene today at the admissions office. She told me that there are separate lists for in-province and OOP. The OOP has 25 positions. Last year, they exhausted that list. I was asking specifically about OOP. I've been accepted to Toronto but Alberta is my first choice so I was seeing what I should do with the acceptance in the meantime.

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Guest Jerika81

I also spoke to Marlene today, and she said that there are 20-25 people on the alternate candidates list for in province, incase anyone is interested.

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Guest snoopychan

Just some more info as copy and pasted from my email from Marlene. Hope it helps. Good luck everyone.



1) Are there separate lists for in and out of province





2) Are there separate lists for 2/3yr and 4+ yr





3) How many positions are on the 4+ yr OOP list?


15% of our 125 positions are for out of province students and 25 on our wait list.



4) How many 4+yr OOP students do you take (max.)?


15% of 125 positions



5) Last year, how many 4+yr OOP applicants got off the


We offered all 25 positions.

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Guest snoopychan

Hi fox, I am hoping that it will work out for me. As far as i know, they have not called waitlisters yet. I've been accepted by Toronto but Alberta is by far my first choice. Hope to meet you in September. Congratulations.

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Guest snoopychan

I AM IN!!! I am 4+ yr OOP and got in off the alternate list. The good news came in the form of a thin white envelope. I waited all day at work for Marlene's call that never came. I guess they don't call long distance. My letter was stamped June 11. I must have been high on the list.


Great news for those still waiting. The list is definitely moving. Good luck everyone and see you in September!!

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Guest snoopychan

Thanks for the warm congrats and welcome Summervirus and Fox.


I was born in Hong Kong and have been living in Ottawa since I was 9. I have also been accepted to Toronto but am choosing Alberta because I was very impressed by the school and it's suitability for me. I look forward to having a blast in med school and meeting you in September. I am a big Sens fan but am looking forward to some Oilers action.



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Guest snoopychan

Ian, thanks for the congrats. If Alberta needs another Moderator, just let me know. No biggie but wouldn't mind chipping in.

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Guest sassy101

I was wondering if anyone knew how many oop people had gotten in off the waitlist so far. ( Congrats by the way Snoopychan, that is awesome ) I am starting to wonder if the waitlist is going to move as much this year as it did last year. U of A is my first choice but I should be hearing from my home prov school soon. Although I am ok with going to med school in sask I would choose U of A given the opportunity. If anyone knows anything that would be great.

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Guest snoopychan

Hi sassy101, thanks for the congrats. Keep your hopes up, the letter could come when you least expect it. Mine did. The applicants who were granted an offer in the first round were given until June 13th to respond. My offer was already granted by June 10th, so U of A is really efficient and could be deeper into the list than you think. I was given only 10 days to respond, again hurrying up the process. So your name could be next. Best of luck, no matter where you get in for September. Cheers.

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Guest sassy101

GOT THE CALL FROM ANDREA THIS MORNING!!!!Will be part of class of 2007!!!!!!!! Never imagined this would happen to me. So excited...see everyone in the fall.

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Guest snoopychan

CONGRATULATIONS SASSY101 AND ALL MY CLASSMATES-TO-BE! Just got my frosh information via email the other day, I am very excited about moving to Edmonton and meeting ALL of you. I'll do my part in making it the best class ever. Looking forward to making new friends, friends to show me around the great city (i.e. where does a guy go to get a hair cut?) :)

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Guest Misty

Congrats to all of ya! Hope I end up getting to meet you.


Does anyone have any idea how many people usually get in off the in-province list. I'm guessing it doesn't move so much. :( Would they be able to tell me where I am on the list or even give me a general idea..... ack! Crossing my fingers...



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Guest snoopychan

Hi Misty, hang in there. How many people usually get off the in-province waiting list is something Marlene would be able to provide to you. You can ask her for last year's stats, although they fluctuate from year to year.


However, I don't think she will tell you your position on the list. I tried way back when, and her exact words were, "I cannot do that. Suppose that you are 2nd on our list and I tell you, and you end up declining an offer elsewhere [due to response dealines] because of this new found info and not end up getting off our list, it would be unfortunate."


Sorry I could not give you better news. Best of luck and I hope to meet you in September.

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Guest sassy101

I received the phone call on tues of last week telling me that i have been offered a position. As I understood it I was being sent a form and that I would return that form with my 175 fee to hold my spot. It has been close to a week and I haven't received the form and now with the long weekend I think it will take even longer. My concern is I don't know how long I have to return the form before they give up my spot. I tried calling the office today but I assume they are closed. They would contact me before giving away my spot right?! As soon as I receive the form I will expres post it to edmonton! Maybe I am just paranoid but i would WALK the form and fee to Edmonton if they asked me too,...U of A is exactly what I wanted and I still can't believe I got in. If anyone knows anything about the form/fee let me know.

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Guest aguinar


The same thing happend to me. I didn't end up getting my letter until the day before it was due. I just phoned Marlene (or Andrea) and told her that I was coming and they said that was fine and to just send the form back whenever I could. If I was you, I would leave a message on Marlene's voice mail. I'm sure that would be fine...

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Guest Tylexia

Hi guys!


For those of you still waiting on the alternative candidate list, I am on OOP applicant from BC and I received the 'phone call' on Friday. So the list is still moving - don't lose hope yet! :D

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