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So seriously...

Guest Me

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I know that we are all feeling a bit crazy, waiting for responses, but let us be distracted by real life for a minute. What is everyone doing for the summer? I was suppose to have this incredible job researching burrowing owls, but I had to quit because my boss wouldn't give me the day off for my interview! Instead, I am distracting myself for the next 3 weeks by taking a long awaited trip to Italy! Gelati, here I come!!! Anyone else traveling?



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  • 4 weeks later...

you guys never wrote back!!! Well, i went to italy and it was awesome, and it diverted my attention from the letter that we want to get!!!

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Guest monkey

well seems like all of us are still wokred up about the letters yet to arrive. where all in Italy did you go!? and sorry, but did you go for almost a month!? coz that's really wicked. your italian must have improved tremendously!!!!


i'm just workin in a govn research lab right now. its really cool and stuff...very very laid back, but yea the letters are still on my mind and partying and all isnt helping me forget about 'em! maybe i should go to europe for some weeks too! :)

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hey monkey,


Italy was amazing...note: if anyone goes to italy, go to cinque terra on the west coast (1.5 hrs from pisa). Tiny little towns where you have to try some italian, right on the ocean! We also went to Florence, Rome and Siena in our 3 week stay. But now I have to work to make some cash!!! No lab for me though...I'm going to do general labour stuff...it will keep me grounded!



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Guest monkey

well hopefully its not mcdonalds! but nonetheless, u're lucky enuf to have enjoyed your summer by visiting Italy. i'm gonna be slaving my whole summer here at work to make enough $$ to spend it on education. ;)

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