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May interview

Guest UofA man

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Guest UofA man

The leter was post marked Apr 8.


Here is some more info.


I do not have stellar marks, far from them actually.

I completed my degree last year and currently working.


Hope this helps those of you who are still waiting

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Guest 9901birdie

hihi UofAGirl~


Um...i'm at toronto right now but UofA sent the invite to my Calgary home~


If you told them to mail stuff to your Ontario address then you should receive something by tomorrow or friday =)

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Guest UofA man

For those that just received an interview at UofA for May, can you give some info on yourself, ie provisional status and types of marks you had, and year of program.


Just curious!


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Guest blingblingin

woh dog, you got an address in calgary? how much flow you raking in? Wish I had that luxury, bling bling? Guess its true, to play the game of life you gotta have luchy.

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Guest curious

I have NO idea what that last message ment...


Anyway, for the posters who said they have an interview.. Can you please comment on my situation?


I have finished my degree but am taking an upgrade year (to up my prereqs). Given your academic situation and interview invite do you think they would call me now or later?(Overall average/MCATS= fine)...



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Guest UofA man

Some people are currently taking their pre reqs or will take them in the spring. I believe the later interviews are to include these people. They usually don't do that many interviews in June, but things at UofA seem to change every year.


Good luck!

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Guest forrest

Here are my "stats"


Ab resident

graduated from U of C




Good luck everyone - I hate that U of A is so slow - we won't even hear if we got in or not until mid-July (unless you are one of the lucky few getting early acceptance)...

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Guest 9901birdie

yo UofAGirl


don't worry about it...it's probably still in the mail~


I know an Edmonton guy (in UT right now) who was interviewed in UBC (UBC invite for OOP is pretty tough to get) ...he got great marks / extra curr too...but

he still hasn't gotten the UofA stuff yet



just wait and good things shall happen : )

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Guest UofA man

Hey UofAgirl are you taking any upgrades for your pre reqs this term. Those marks won't be considered till later and interviews for those people are in June. Again the rest of the us who interview in May don't find out if we get accepted until end of june or early July (that was stated in our letter for interview notice)


Good luck

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Guest 9901birdie

Does anyone know if UofA weighs different portions of the "profile" differently?


ie. UWO looks at 25% GPA, 25% MCAT (V+W), 50% interiview


does UofA have a certain % for pre-req GPA, certain % for overall GPA, certain % for interview, MCAT, essay, ref. letter etc?

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