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May invites

Guest 9901birdie

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Guest 9901birdie

Does anyone know if the May invites are being sent out?


I saw somewhere in this forum that someone (last year) got his May invite in early April....


<anxiously waiting>



3rd yr undregrad

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totally random... as long as you're done your pre-reqs. meaning, 2/3rd years w/o all their prereqs finished had no chance at interviews in feb.


i am a 2nd year student, pre reqs finished (meaning that 25% of my application will not change), and was interviewed feb 17. a few friends finished their prereqs also got interviews, but most will be waiting for that letter in may.


it used to be that 2/3rd years waited til late may, early june b/c of waiting for april MCAT scores (cant do this anymore) and final grades... but, it's changed a bit.


the only benefit to feb interviews is for fourth year students, because then you have a chance at early acceptance in april.


i don't know when the mid-may invites come out... but i'm guessing it won't be before final transcripts are recieved. they wouldn't want to interview someone who really bombed the second term for example....

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