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July Interviews

Guest monkey

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Guest monkey

are there any interviews in July? It just seems odd that they'll have interviews even though they would have sent out letters of acceptance and stuff...


BTW: does UA send out waitlisted letters now with the acceptances?


also, is the adcom meeting today and making decisions? i thought someone said june27/28 was the time frame

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Yup, there are July interviews... a friend of mine rescheduled a second interview for early in July... I think the July interviews are EARLY in the month though...


The committee met yesterday and today... letters will be prepared shortly and sent out... basically, we should have them by the end of next week. I don't think calling the admissions office is recommended....


I don't think rejections are sent out in this round, nor are waitlists... cos they send out a second batch of letters after the July interview....


... so... more waiting :(

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Guest shkelo

Rejection letters have been sent at the end of June in previous years. I don't know about waiting list letters, but probably those too. Typically, acceptance letters are sent out BEFORE rejection letters (usually spread out over a couple of days). So try not to be too excited when you get your letter to avoid disappointment (if that's possible). Things could be different this year, but I doubt it. U of A needs to inform applicants of their status, since many of them will have had acceptances from other schools and are still holding out for U of A. Movement on the waitlist likely won't occur until after July interviews and those applicants will be ranked (or re-ranked) accordingly. Because there are two rounds of acceptances, there are only a handful of spots on the waiting list, which tends not to move very much unlike some other schools. After the second round letters have been sent out, there won't be very many spots remaining. Sorry, but I'm just trying to be realisitic.

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Are you considering this upcoming batch of letters to be the "second round letters"? I'm just wondering... I've heard there are very few positions available for those who are interviewing in July, and I'm just wondering whether there's any truth to that... If so, I'm glad my interview was so early.





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Guest monkey

hey EB,


do you know of any interviews actually being scheduled in July. Re-interviews could happen regardless of an interview period for first timers since its a right of the applicant to re-interview.


Well hopefully good news is in the letters when they come in july.

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I can't personally speak for this year's procedures, since none of my friends received an invite for their "first" interview in July this year... but last year, a friend of mine was interviewed in the middle of July (first interview, not a re-interview)... so it does get done... but he had "weaker" stats (low 8's average for pre-req and overall, 2nd year student), so I'm thinking that maybe they leave the students with lower marks until the end incase they still have seats to fill... but, maybe it's just random...




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Guest shkelo

Yes, the letters sent at the end of June will be the "second round letters", the first round of which were the early acceptances sent out in May. I don't include those letters that were early rejections or the ones that requested non-academic materials. To answer your second question, no one really knows the statistical number of acceptances sent out versus the number of positions available (I assume you mean med placements rather than the number of applicants interviewed in July). It is likely that more letters are sent out than available positions when taking into account the number of rejected offers. The number of spots remaining varies from year to year depending on the outcomes of the first and second rounds. With two rounds of acceptances before July interviews, however, the number of spots remaining will be determined by the number of declined offers from the second round. July interviews are designed to accommodate those applicants with special circumstances (e.g. April 2002 writing of the MCAT, requests for re-interview, those meeting the minimum criteria for interview from pre-req courses taken during last term, etc.). I have no idea how many applicants they are being interviewed in July. Regardless, there will be few spots available to these applicants. (You're right, EB, there is a small advantage in having your interview early because you are accessed in a smaller applicant pool for early admission. Statistically in the end, however, there is no real difference.)

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Guest monkey



are people who interview in feb still considered for positions even after the 'first round mailouts' (early acceptance)??


its very confusing in my opinion the way UA ends up handling the whole july mailout...but what you're saying makes sense: they should only be interviewing ppl in July after they (UA) went thru their list and still have spots available. WHICH means, that UA might not have a waitlisting system....they mail out letters and if poeple from those say 'nay', then they schedule interviews in JUly...


is that an oversimplification of what really happens? i'm still very much confused by their (UA) manner of dealing with this.

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those of us who interviewed in feb are still considered for the june/july spots... the first round offers went out to great applicants who have completed 4+ years... I think I read in another post that you're a 3rd year student, Monkey... I'm a second year student... we were NOT considered for those early april acceptance offers. The acceptances for 2nd/3rd and remaining 4th years start now...


i don't think rejection letters are sent out unless you're a very, very low ranked applicant... last year a friend didn't get his rejection letter until very very late in August..

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Guest shkelo

Erin is right. Applicants with interviews in February who did not receive offers are still considered for next year's placements. Also, those that received an offer after the first round have 4+ years of secondary education. I have never heard of anyone without a degree get "early acceptance", but that's not to say it doesn't happen. I'm not exactly sure on that issue to be honest, but if it HAS happened, there would only be a few offers given.


Your second question - might be a little oversimplified. U of A is honor-bound to give all applicants an interview if they meet the cutoff (based on MCAT/cGPA/pre-req GPA scores). Technically, someone interviewing in July could still be admitted to next year's class provided that they score well in most, if not all, of the required categories. That's why I said, "statistically, it doesn't matter." An interview is an interview, right? Someone who scores a 4 or 5 in their July interview could easily rank higher than someone who was interviewed in February or in May. It's all relative you see. Interviews for July, I believe, have already been sent out. Oh and there is a waiting list every year, but the waiting list is a nice way of saying, "you're a stone's throw away from making it, but unless someone declines an offer we can't use you." Waiting lists at the U of A are generally short.


My advice to those waiting to hear: sit back, hold tight and don't get let the nerves get to you. (I know - it's hard!!) There is nothing you can do about it now. If you don't get in this year, there's always next year.

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I cannot believe that this school does this to their applicants. I believe that it is not only cruel, but to these applicants but could also be unfair to applicants on wait lists at other schools! People who truly want to go to UA have to wait so long that they must accept an offer at another school (basically hold their spot) until they hear from UA!! I'm sure there are people out there that will drop their current plan to go to UA? I didn't apply here and I'm glad, people should not be treated lke this! The Newfies have the right attitude--interview early, send out acceptances early--in fact the class list has been finalized! U of A needs to be given some serious feedback! Who do they think they are??

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