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Guest sassy101

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Guest sassy101

I was wondering if any higher year students had suggestions as to which steth to buy, where to buy it etc. Lots of the shadowing opportunities say bring a steth if you have one so I would like to buy one but have no idea about how to go about it. Any advice would be great.

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Guest mirrille

There should be an announcement soon about Littman and Welch-Allen coming by to take orders for stethoscopes (and other equipment, like blood pressure cuffs, diagnostic sets, etc.) All you really need for a while is a good stethoscope. You'll need it for clinical skills sessions (more in second term), and if you do shadowing or electives, bring it just in case there's anything to listen to. Ignore all the other fancy toys for now. Most people get the Littman Cardiology III and I can't remember which model of Welch-Allen was the other popular choice. Just the basic models. You don't really need the deluxe, digital, gold-plated models with extra bells and whistles now. Be sure to try them out to see if they are comfortable and which one you can hear the best before buying one.

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Guest Ian Wong

Get the Littman Cardiology 3, and get it through a group buy with the rest of your classmates. I'm really surprised that the equipment reps haven't come by to your med school yet; they took orders at UBC a couple weeks back. You cannot do better than the prices you will get through a bulk class order (even online), and the Cardiology 3 is a workhorse of a scope that most med students end up getting. I'm extremely happy with mine, and the service I've gotten from Littman.



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