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Repeated courses

Guest sn0w0wl

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Guest Ollie

Are you talking about failing a class and then repeating it? If so then I think they only take the highest (passing) grade because if you fail a class, you don't receive credit for it, and therefore it is not included in your overall average. At least that's the way the way the registrar determines your average on your transcript. Med admissions might be different, since they have a policy of including "all courses ever attempted" in your overall average. I guess I'm not much help. I would check with them if you really need to know.

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Guest KatieKat

Hi there!


I believe if you fail a class it is absolutely included in your overall average even though you don't receive credit for it! For example, a student with 3 "A"s and 2 "F"s in no way has a higher average than a student with 5 "B"s.


No one would be concerned about failing a class if it was not included in their average! I don't know for sure, but I would guess that UBC averages the grades if you repeat a class (irrespecitive if you pass or fail the first time).

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Guest Ollie



That totally makes sense, but I swear that I remember reading somewhere that failed courses were not included (in calculating your graduating average?), but I might be confused. But yeah, I'm pretty sure that Med averages them anyways. Are you allowed to repeat a class that you passed in order to improve your grade?

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Guest KatieKat

Science students are not normally allowed to repeat courses they have previously passed. However, I know some people who have managed to sneak by and repeat classes anyway. Of course, they only get credit for the course once!


I don't know if Medicine looks favorably upon students who do this and I don't see any info about this on their website. I guess if anyone's interested, they'll just have to call UBC directly.

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Guest physiology

That is the rule in the Faculty of Science - you can only repeat a course if you failed it. However, this rule only applies to UBC. I believe SFU has a different, much more lenient policy.


I think UBC considers all of your grades - whether you passed or not, unless they don't show up on your transcript. I think honestly, it just goes into your academic average - which is why the percent system is awesome. A 95% can really cancel out that 49%, whereas in the GPA system, a F substantially lowers the GPA.

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Guest UBClebronjames

I believe that Med does NOT look well upon those that have repeated the same course.. especially if it was a 100 or 200 level course. I have heard this from two separate admissions officiers. What they suggest you do if you have a poor mark or a fail is to take a harder upper level course and go well in it to show that you can handle that material.


This does not however apply to pre-req courses that were failed. In this case I think you must re-take the course.


Also if you fail a course and take another course in its place and it's a med pre-req UBC med will average two marks for that course (0% + 90% = 45%). I have seen this done for pre-reqs for sure.. but I am not so certain if they use this method in other calculations.

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Guest sn0w0wl

Yikes! That could be pretty harsh.


I think my situation's a bit different though, as the course in question is not a pre-req, actually only a non-credit (F vs P) kind of thing that I had to take. I had a freakin' heart attack on Friday when I looked at my transcript for the first time (in the flesh), and noticed that my "de-registration" did not go through the first time I took the course--so it showed up as an "F"! I don't know how it might affect UBC's GPA calculations, with the second time being "P", but I've submitted the paperwork to correct this as well as an email to admissions. I hate to screw things up this close to the end! Aaaahh!


So, a word of warning to premeds: when you order your transcripts to be sent to the adcom (for the first time), spend the extra dollars and get one for yourself just to make sure everything's square!


I'm not the only one I know who's found a mistake (my friend ended up with an F instead of Audit for a course once)... you never know.



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Guest Tousie

Hey there SnOwOwl,


I might be wrong, but I thought I remembered reading somewhere that Pass/Fail courses are not considered in your GPA calculation... Anyone else remember reading that?:eek


Good luck!


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