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Using patient names in personal essay

Guest ren 19

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Guest riffraff

Is this through a volunteering experience? If so, aren't you under an agreement of patient confidentiality? I personally would not name the patient in the essay.

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I would be very careful here. I did describe an experience with a patient and family, but left it in terms of "when I volunteered in the emergency room I worked with a child who had a heart condition and I learned X, Y, Z." I was specific about MY experiences, but very vague about the patient and their circumstances. Ultimately, the essay should be about you anyway and descriptive items about other events tends to get cut (in my experience) due to the length restrictions.


Good luck!

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I agree... if you are going to talk about a patient, make sure that you focus on YOU and not the patient's story. You should talk about what YOU learned, felt, etc and how this influenced YOU and your path/decisions. Essay word counts are restrictive enough... don't waste precious space with the patient's story... because the admissions committee wants to hear about you, not a report on a patient.

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