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which awards to include?

Guest uftstudent

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Guest uftstudent

Hi...i'm wondering whether or not we should include subject awards from high school such as in OAC. Of course i'm not going to include an english subject award for two years as separate entries. Will including such awards give the impression of padding?


Also...for an entrance scholarship would you put the start date and end date as the same, ie. the month and year in which it was offered?


For all other awards i'm giving the dates as the start and end of the school year they were recieved for.


Any advice is much appreciated:)

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1) Be selective with what you put in. High school awards may be more peripheral to your application compared to stuff you have done more recently. However, if you have room on your sketch, by all means put it in. I don't believe that it would be considered padding. For example, if you were also able to earn awards in high school and continued to do so in university, it would indicate that you were able to consistently perform at a high level. Perhaps this is something that you could mention in your essay.


2) For the entrance scholarship, if you were able to maintain it during your university studies, then treat it like your other awards, that is, the school years that you received the awards for.


All the best.

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