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Spreading yourself too thin

Guest TheShrink

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Guest TheShrink



I was having a conversation with a fellow student of mine the other day and they brought up a good point, what would med. schools consider spreading yourself too thin?

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Guest aneliz

Spreading yourself too thin is when you do not make any kind of commitment to the activities in which you are involved. If you are on a team but only make it to 20% of their practices, that is a problem. If you are 'volunteering' somewhere, but can only tell the admissions committee the most superficial things about the organisation you are volunteering for because you have only actually been their twice, that is a problem.


You need to be able to show some commitment to activities, and you need to demonstrate to the admissions committee that you have learned something from the experiences, contributed something meaningful to the community, etc.


Quality is infinitely more important than quantity.

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Guest s sadry

i agree that quality is more important... but the 48 activity sketch seems to contradict this idea.


there are some activities i've been involved with for years....but these all count as 1 activity, do they not?


i am not applying this year, so i never opened an OMSAS account. could anyone clarify what is included, and what kind of things should not be included in the 48 activity sketch? i am assuming awards/scholarships would not be considered activities? what about something like an NSERC, it is technically an award, but i consider it an activity as well.


is there an area in the sketch to include how many years you've been involved in the activity?



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Guest coleflower

Another thing to note is that the 48 item list is not all activities. There are categories for employment, volunteer, awards & accomplishments, education, research (I don't remember if that's all). My list did include mostly awards that emphasized my commitment to the activities I participated in.

As Aneliz mentionned, they ask how many years you took part in each activity, so they will notice things you did for many years, and things that you just picked up to bolster your application at the last minute will be apparent.


Hope that helps.


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