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picking up a science in university

Guest wannabe101

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Guest wannabe101

I'm sure this question depends on the person but im interested if there are any general trends. At my highschool I can only take two sciences (due to the IB program) and I have choosen Physics and Chemistry (HL). Is Biology the easiest science to pick up in university or is it one of the other sciences. Thanks for the help,


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Guest Lactic Folly

Do you mean you can only take two sciences, period, or two sciences through the IB program? A number of people I knew were in full IB and managed to squish in all 3 - might take a bit of summer school, but worth it to get the background in high school while it's free and you have the stretched out schedule, imo. It would also depend on if you are thinking of majoring in a more traditional premed program or if you like the physical sciences better.

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