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Ways to improve focus when studying?

Guest snplow

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Guest snplow

Hey Guys,


I find myself usually very unfocused when studying (ie: surfing the web when I'm not supposed to). I guess the obvious solution would be to stay away from a computer. But does anyone have any suggestions for me (and for anyone else reading this thread) on how to improve focus?



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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


I feel your pain. :) One technique I use is to put the computer elsewhere (if it's a laptop), or at least, turn it off. This helps to remove the temptation to browse around the net for a wee bit. by making it a little more difficult to do so. Another technique might be to set a time within which you have to sit and study without doing anything else. For example, tell yourself that, for the next hour it's studying alone that should be done, and thereafter take a wee break with 5-10 mins. on the net.




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Guest Elliott

The never ending question...


Like Kirsteen mentioned, you really should turn it off if you can't resist the temptation. It's hard, but it makes a difference.

I once read a piece of advice about studying that went like this: If you don't feel like studying (ok, so this is like 95% of the time), tell yourself that you will sit down and study for ten minutes. If you still don't feel like studying after that, you aren't in the right mind space. Do something else for a bit and come back to it.

I do this a lot and it really helps. 90% of the time I am into my studying by the time tens minutes is up and I am good to go. Also, I always take a 15 minute break every 45 minutes. Good for the body, the mind, etc. Grab a snack, surf the net, answer messages, go on premed101 - whatever. It really helps to know that there is pre-scheduled break time. Often I even find my breaks get in the way! But really, it helps.


Best of luck with this - I know it's hard finding that "thing" that works for you. Someone once told me they use a food timer to time the break schedule - whatever works!





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Guest circusgirl

yup, I agree with the turning the computer off tip! I like studying in a totally different location (than your computer is) for that reason.


BUT I just wanted to add that if you are taking a study break... DON'T turn the computer back on and say you'll only surf for 10 minutes, because 10 becomes 20, which becomes 40, which becomes... During my breaks I like to get outside, watch tv or eat- things that I do have better control over!

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