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Guest Josh21

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Guest Josh21


I was wondering if somebody could tell me what is the farthest away from school they have driven their own car to school(undergrad or meds)? Was it possible to drive yourself and still have time to lead a normal unstressed life for the most part? How did you cope?

thank you for your time.

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Guest Jochi1543

Farthest I've driven - 30 minutes one way to work. It was mostly freeway though, and I both enjoy driving and like listening to the radio, so it was actually a good way to wake up in the morning. Farthest I've commuted by public transportation - 1 hour (walking + train). 1 hour is a bit over the top, especially when you're on a crowded train. When you can sit down and study though, it's not that bad, cuz then you can catch up on homework. I guess driving 1 hour to school would take the ability to do homework away in comparison to public transportation.

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Guest WG Pre med

Yah - I drove an hour and 20 min both ways to school my first year and it defianetly took its toll on me. Driving your own car is a hassle as well.

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Guest kaymcee

Commuting? Don't. It will be worth every extra cent it costs to buy a house/rent an apartment closer to where you work/attend school.


I commuted for four months from White Rock to Vancouver (75-minute bus ride both ways) and, although it wasn't bad for just working, studying is a great deal more time-consuming. I really wouldn't do it again.

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i know a resident right now with a 1.5 HOUR commute (each way). He just started his PGY1.


That's insane, I don't know when he will sleep.


edited to add: he is also doing a PhD in chemistry during his residency and has a wife - he is superman

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Guest noncestvrai

There is a friend of mine who is at ULaval, he's doing a PhD while in medschool...PhD in Mtl...MD in Qc City, i.e. 250 Km.


I commute 1hr X 2 /d, bus, metro.


I will buy a car most likely next year before clerkship.



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