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Fenwick Place?

Guest michca

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Guest michca

Hi everyone:

I'm out of province (accepted off the wait list last month) and looking to find an apartment close to Dal. I will be in Europe for most of July so I won't be able to visit Halifax until early August.

I was thinking of just submitting an application to live in Fenwick since it is so close to the Tupper building and grocery stores etc. Also, because it is run by the university (so it must not be too bad then right? :P ) and one of the med students recommended it on the housing form on Medix.

But I remember reading a comment here a few months ago that recommended NOT living in Fenwick (unfortunately I think that post is now lost).

So....does anyone from Dal (undergrad, Meds or otherwise) have an opinion on Fenwick?


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it is a hole, a very expensive hole.


It was always decrepit and an aweful place to live (I have yet to visit without seeing some form of human fluid, most commonly vomit but others as well, on the floor of the hallway). After the hurricane which blew out alot of the windows and flooded the place, everyone in halifax was sure it would be condemned (after all, we thought it should have been before and then it got water logged). Dal managed to dry it out enough to keep it on the market, but it should not be.


If you live there also expect "unwanted pets" and mold.


Rent there is pricey too for what you get:

Bachelor $636/mo

1 Bedroom $736/mo

2 Bedroom $1016/mo


The only students who live there it seems are the ones coming from away and say exactly as you did, "It's university run, so it must be alright at least". It is not.


Unfortunately, there aren't really any cheap places in south or central halifax, I've only heard of one or two in my 5 years here that were a steal.


My advice - live out of university owned housing, you can get a far nicer place for the same rent. Anyplace between Pt Pleasant, chebucto, oxford and barrington is probably within a 20-30 min walk.

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Guest acropolistica



Congrats on your acceptance at Dal.


I have the following advice:


Avoid Fenwick like the plague. Nby listed many of the reasons why that building should be made illegal to stand.

A friend of mine works there and says that considering the state that building is in, it is a wonder that it is still allowed to be rented out.


My suggestions are either Park Victoria or Garden Park Apartments. They are closer to Dal than Fenwick, and have much better apartments going for around the same price as fenwick(or less).

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Guest rookiemeds

I'll add a suggestion in terms of good apartment buildings in Halifax. Welsford place on Robie Street. It's a little further from campus (10-15min walk) but generally cheaper. The apartments are also quite a bit bigger than the ones I've seen closer to campus. Plus it's right on the commons which is great for summer fun.


I "third" the idea that you should avoid Fenwick. I have heard of people having good experiences there but it makes me depressed just to walk by it so I can't imagine living there. However, if you do want the opinion of someone who has lived there happily, PM me and I will get you in touch with her.

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Guest mosquitoba

When I lived in Halifax, I heard Fenwick refered to as the "erection of Halifax" several times, a testament to its utter ugliness, disgusting rooms, poor upkeep, and general crappiness. Avoid! Park Vic is nicer, closer, and reasonably priced. As are most places around that area! Congrats on getting into Dal, and have a blast - Halifax rocks!



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