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Disability Insurance?

Guest HSR07

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Guest HSR07

I have been kind of thinking about disability insurance as a medical student, but I don't completely understand why I need it, or how much I really need it. I was just wondering if anyone had any opinions or information about it.



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Guest Ian Wong

Hi there,


Here's an old posting on the topic. You'll get a large amount of information about this during your Orientation time, or shortly thereafter; it's nothing that you need to worry about until then. Probably the best deals you could obtain will also be available at that time, as insurance people compete for your business.


At it's heart, disability insurance pays you a monthly sum of money should you become disabled and are unable to perform the duties of being a physician. This could be because you suffer brain damage, or perhaps lose the use of an extremity, or are paralyzed, or perhaps even if you contract a blood-borne disease and are unable to continue on in your professional duties, etc. The amount you can receive monthly depends on the extent of your disability, your earning potential, and most importantly, the price of the monthly premium you are paying to maintain this insurance!


Here's a link to some prior discussion.





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Guest seonagh

One item to consider would be to ensure that you would at least have enough disability insurance throughout your school years to cover the debt you get into should you become injured in a way that prevents you from ever finishing. I certainly wouldn't want to be at the end of year four and 125,000 dollars in debt and suddenly incur a brain injury, the burden that would plan on one's family (unless spouse etc had significant earning potential) would be substantial. Life insurance (I think) is often manditory on these LOC's for the same reason but disability is often an option.


I'm not in med school yet but was actually thinking about this earlier today that the minute the tuition payments started coming off the old line of credit that I would want that coverage just for peace of mind for the hubby especially should anything happen to me and he be left to pick up the pieces. Not a nice thought but being prepared brings peace of mind at least.


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