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IM - Medical Oncology

Guest Ronin

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Hi There,


Seems like medical oncology is a rarely discussed career path on this board. Is there anyone out there who might be able to provide some commentary re: procedures, competitiveness, lifestyle, compensation, job opportunities, etc etc?


Also - are medical oncologists fairly limited in their options for practice (e.g. mostly located in larger academic oriented centres), or are there opportunities for the a "rural" oncologist?


Many thanks.

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Guest ploughboy


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I don't know about doing oncology in one-horse towns, but there is certainly opportunity to do onc in smaller centres. In fact, most small centres would be tripping over themselves trying to recruit you!


I'm most familiar with Owen Sound (pop ~ 20,000), where *the* oncologist closed his practice earlier this year to much public outcry (it's a long story involving lots of politics, and I don't know all the details but I'd rather not discuss it on a public forum, regardless). Doc K had been managing treatment for a whole whack of patients, and as I mentioned he was the only oncologist in the Grey/Bruce area, so I'm sure he got to see lots of interesting stuff. When he left, cancer patients in Grey/Bruce limped along with treatment from GPs, RNs, etc in close collaboration with London.


As I understand it, the compensation for onc is quite good, you can have a huge positive impact in your patients' lives, and I don't think the hours are particularly crazy (versus something like Sx, for instance). Add in the bonus of living in a smaller centre (if that's your cup of tea) and it's a pretty appealing package.


The story has a happy ending - there is apparently a new onc coming to GBRHC, and I understand that there might actually be enough work for a second doc if they can recruit one. Judging solely from the media coverage, it sounds like oncs are a very hot commodity, so you would probably have your choice of practice location if you chose to go that route.









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