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When to apply for the 2005/2006 application cycle

Guest salvarsan

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Guest salvarsan



I will be entering my final year of undergraduate studies this fall and I will be writing my mcats for the first time this august. My question is when should I submit my AMCAS application? Should I wait until october when i will receive my mcat score ... or should I send it asap.


Any insights would be appreciated.



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Guest MedBound786

It won't make any difference if you submit your AMCAS now since the schools will not consider you until your August scores are released in October.

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Guest derzornhistology

Both previous posters make good points. On the one hand, you should get your AMCAS in post haste so that you'll get the earliest possible consideration in the face of rolling admissions. On the other hand, an August MCAT is going to set you back no matter what.


Another thing to keep in mind, though, is that working on secondary applications during the school year is less than ideal. Being that many schools are now sending out secondaries to all applicants, it MIGHT be possible to begin work on a secondary or two before your MCAT scores come through (and verified AMCAS application). I want to caution that I can adduce no valid or reliable evidence to support this suggestion. I can only say that I recall getting a small, yellow card from UChicago/Pritzker well before hearing that my AMCAS application was verified. The card informed me that I should get a head-start on the online secondary application (mine was not an August MCAT, though).


It can't hurt to call/email AMCAS and/or the schools you'll be applying to and ask if they'll send you a secondary before they get your MCAT scores (this may even be on their web pages). Failing that, see if they'll accept letters of reference before an application has actually been filed with AMCAS. It'll save some time later on if you can get right to the matter of mailing out those LORs and the transcript(s) for AMCAS.


I was not in an August MCAT situation myself, but I did end up doing the majority of my secondary work during school. Try to avoid this if you can. Best of luck!




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest pinkbonkers

Hi guys,

I am a bit confused about the US application cycle. I read on AMCAS that there is an Early Decision Application for certain schools whereby if you apply before August you can only apply to one school?

Also, when you mean by sending in your application early, does that include everything? (secondaries, LOR, transcripts) Is there an order that you have to send things in? (eg. AMCAS sent in first then LOR, transcripts etc.) I am also rewriting the August MCATs so will they still file away my application even though i have a set of marks from last year?

One last question, do all secondaries require more essays? I was looking at the SUNY online one and it didn't see to and I was wondering if all schools were like that...

thanks so much

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The Early Decision Program is for those really outstanding applicants who are sure they want to go to a certain school for financial, location or other reasons. For example, if you have a 4.0, 35+ on the MCAT and want to attend Ohio State (not sure if they have an EDP program, just an example), because you have to live in Columbus because your spouse cannot move anywhere else, you can apply EDP, only to OSU, and then know well before anyone else, whether you get in. If you get in you are obligated to attend. If you don't, you can then start applying to other schools, although you will be "late."


You send everything in, in no particular order, although the primary app (AMCAS) has to be sent in first obviously. I think your app will be complete since you already have a set of MCAT scores, but this may vary from school to school.


Not all secondaries require essays. Some just require you to write a check. Others require multiple essays. Still others just require basic personal information. Varies.

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Guest pinkbonkers

Hi moo,

just another quick question, is my application complete if my amcas online application is sent in? Or, is it complete when my secondaries, LORs are in?


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The latter. Your app is considered complete only when all the school's requirements (primary app, secondary app, letters, MCAT scores and whatever else they disre) is in their admissions office.

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Guest QuestionMan23213

Hey moo,

above, you said: "I think your app will be complete since you already have a set of MCAT scores, but this may vary from school to school."


Does this apply even though you're rewriting the August MCAT for a 2nd time? Dont they wait to receive your latest scores because those are what you want them to use before your current application is considered complete (assuming they dont average marks)? My first score sucked so I dont want them to use them to make their decision...


ya got me a little worried here hehe.

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You know, I'm really not sure. I think your best bet would be to call each school and ask them. I've been out of the application loop for a while now and can't remember. You can also head over to SDN, because this is a general question not specific to Canadians.

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