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Interview questions

Guest thmper

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Guest thmper



I have an interview question I don't know how to answer. I am a canadian applicant and I have several interviews in the US. If an interviewer asks " where do you want to practise, in the US or Canada?" What are the pros and cons for answering one or the other.

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Guest Ian Wong

There are lots of potential reasons, each of which may or may not be applicable in your personal situation; every person comes from a different background and perspective. Things to consider when comparing living and working in Canada vs the US:


1. Family

2. Friends

3. Climate

4. Cost of living/housing/transportation/food

5. Availability of jobs/high demand for yourself and spouse

6. Climate/Weather

7. Accessible hobbies/outdoor activities

8. Cultural and religious diversity

9. Salary/previous debtload/tax rates/malpractice and overhead costs

10. HMO's vs single payer system (in Canada)

11. Type of reimbursements (fee-for-service vs capitation vs...)

12. Crime rate/good environment to raise family

13. Ability to gain licensure to practise medicine

14. Academic vs. community environment

15. Philosophical or personal loyalty to one country or the other.


And probably a whole schwack of other things. Really, it comes down to what you want out of your own career, and what personal things you are willing to sacrifice in order to attain your career goals (and vice versa). The bottom line perhaps is to figure out what you want out of your professional and personal lives, and figure out what the pros and cons you will therefore encounter if you were living in the US versus Canada. Good luck with your interviews!



UBC, Med 4

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Guest aneliz

Whether you want to practice in Canada or the States is a personal decision that will be based on many different factors (likely different for each person)...I would suggest that you give this question some serious thought before your interviews...because, chances are, if you think that they are going to ask it, they will. Make sure you think about the pros and cons FOR YOU. The most important thing in any interview is to know WHY you think what you do and be prepared to defend your answer...NEVER back down! I really don't think that there is a 'right' answer as far as this question goes and as long as you have a well thought out and rational response for the interviewers, I doubt that they will give you a bad interview score if you choose "Canada"....


Good luck!

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