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The difference between 3-5R (or 6R) and 7R+


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Do you think there is a difference between pre 5R and post 5R? The structure, difficulty etc.?


(besides VR being shorter and I get somewhat frustrated when checking answers -- the answers had all 85 questions but they pulled 5 questions out)

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In the 5R, I was kind of taking note of what had changed in biology from what the answers have...more genetic type questions and neurotransmitters, less physiology. Given that the revisions were mostly done around the time that 8 was being set up, it seems that what they changed is as important as what went into the new exams.


Just a thought.

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I found AAMC 7 to be the hardest, but that is because there is a distinct change from the previous ones. I have been able to increase my practice scores from 30 on AAMC 7 to 34 on AAMC 9. Hopefully I can take everything today (12PS 10VR 12BS) up one notch to a 37 on Saturday. Good lucl all.

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