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Different Verifiers?

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Do we have to put different verifiers for each section or can we just put the same person for like 10 activities? The thing is for all my high school activities, most of the teachers moved on and I can't contact them, but my English teacher knows about all the clubs I was involved in and the awards I won (which counts for like > 10 entries), so would it be okay to put his name for 10 things? Thanks!

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Do you think it would be okay as long as it's a figure of "authority"? My guidance counsellor retired and I have no idea where he is now. I was thinking of putting my high school English teacher and planning to show him all the award certificates so he'll know, but I'm not sure if that's ok.

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I am having trouble getting in touch with specific verifiers about some of the stuff I did a couple years ago. Is it okay if we ask someone else affiliated with the same organization that is in a position of authority? This person is familiar with all the stuff, but he may not have directly been the person I reported to.

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lostintime: yes, i'd think that as long as it's someone of authority, you'll be ok. as long as they can vouch for what you did (even if it's just because you show them the certificates, etc)


kuantum: same as the above -- if the organization has some kind of record of you being there, i don't think it matters if it's the person you reported to or not. if they get a call, it will only be to confirm that you did what you said you did, and not to comment on your qualities or performance in any way


good luck!!



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