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Should I Take English as a course?


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Hi Guys,


I have a dilemma - I'm a second year Undergraduate student who wants to go to Medicine. I want to keep my options open, so I'm either thinking of Medicine OOP or even abroad (States, England, etc).


Would it be advisable to take English as a Course for my Fall/Winter Sessions? I'm really nervous because I'm not so good at writing essays, nor has my high school English Marks been up to par at this point. Furthermore, I will be competing with English Majors for marks which, in my opinion, is a huge disadvantage.


What are your opinions regarding this matter? It would be greatly appreciated.



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Basically it's going to have to be your call - you have to figure out whether you are capable at getting a good mark in english.


From my experience, many students find english difficult because it's very "fluffy" and is not an exact science. That being said, it is very possible to score high if you know what the prof is looking for. So I would say look up the ratings of the profs and find one who seems fair and helpful cause then if you have problems, the prof will help you out. And since you are also marked on class participation, you will do better if you see the prof on a regular basis. Good luck!

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UWO requires a writing course, Memorial requires an English credit - just to name 2 of the schools I could think of off the top of my head. Most US schools require English.


Why not do it during the summer? Some schools don't count summer marks so even if you get a bad mark, it wont hurt your application to ALL schools.

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